Thailand visa requirements  |  Azerbaijan

Tayland Viza Tələbləri Azərbaycan Vətəndaşları Üçün.

Updated 1 month ago at Sat, Jun 01, 2024
Visas  |  Requirements  |  Demographics  |  Crime  |  Food  |  Culture  |  Fundamentals  |  Relationships  |  Visa Extension


  Visa Duration

60 Day Visa Exemption is NOT available for Azerbaijani citizens

30 days Extension

15 Day Visa on Arrival is NOT available for Azerbaijani citizens

15 days
no Extension

Tourist Visa is Available for Azerbaijan

60 days
30 days Extension

Destination Thailand Visa is Available for Azerbaijan

6 months
6 months Extension

Retirement Visa is Available for Azerbaijan

1 year
1 year Extension

Retirement Visa 10 Year is Available for Azerbaijan

5 year
5 year Extension

Education Visa is Available for Azerbaijan

varied Extension

Business/Work Visa is Available for Azerbaijan

1 year
1 year Extension

Marriage Visa is Available for Azerbaijan

1 year
1 year Extension

Family Visa is Available for Azerbaijan

3 Months - 1 Year
varied Extension

Privilege/Elite Visa is Available for Azerbaijan

5/10/20 years
varied Extension

LTR Visa is Available for Azerbaijan

5 years
5 years Extension



Population and Size of Country

Azerbaijan has a population of approximately 10 million people, whereas Thailand boasts a significantly larger population of around 70 million. In terms of land area, Azerbaijan covers about 86,600 square kilometers, while Thailand is much larger with an area of approximately 513,120 square kilometers.


Azerbaijan is predominantly inhabited by ethnic Azerbaijanis, who make up around 91% of the population. Other ethnic groups include Lezgins, Russians, and Armenians. Thailand, on the other hand, is predominantly Thai, constituting about 95% of the population. There are also significant minorities such as Chinese, Malay, and various hill tribes.


The majority religion in Azerbaijan is Islam, with about 97% of the population being Muslim, primarily Shia. In contrast, Thailand is predominantly Buddhist, with around 94% of the population adhering to Theravada Buddhism. There are also small communities of Muslims, Christians, and Hindus in Thailand.


Azerbaijan’s GDP is approximately $45 billion USD, driven largely by its oil and gas industry. Thailand’s GDP is significantly higher at around $543 billion USD, with a more diversified economy that includes manufacturing, agriculture, and tourism as major contributors.

Population Age Brackets

Azerbaijan has a relatively young population with about 23% under the age of 15 and only around 6% over the age of 65. Thailand has an aging population with around 17% under the age of 15 and about 11% over the age of 65.

Men vs Women

In Azerbaijan, the gender ratio is relatively balanced but slightly skewed with approximately 0.96 males for every female. In Thailand, the ratio is also balanced but slightly in favor of females with approximately 0.98 males for every female.

Source of Popular Types of Income

Azerbaijan’s economy heavily relies on its natural resources, particularly oil and gas exports. Other sources of income include agriculture and some level of manufacturing. Thailand’s economy is more varied; major sources of income include manufacturing (especially electronics and automotive), agriculture (notably rice and rubber), and a robust tourism industry.


Violent Crime

Thailand generally has lower rates of violent crime compared to many other countries. However, incidents can still occur, particularly in areas frequented by tourists. It’s advisable to avoid confrontations and be cautious in crowded places, as petty disputes can sometimes escalate.

Casual Crime

Petty crimes such as pickpocketing and bag snatching are more common in tourist hotspots like Bangkok, Pattaya, and Phuket. Travelers should keep their belongings secure and be vigilant in crowded areas, markets, and public transportation.

Crimes of Passion

Crimes of passion are relatively rare but can occur. These incidents are usually isolated and often involve personal disputes rather than random acts of violence. It’s best to avoid getting involved in any local disputes or arguments.

Safety for Solo Women Travelers

Thailand is generally considered safe for solo women travelers. However, it’s important to exercise standard precautions such as avoiding poorly lit areas at night, not accepting drinks from strangers, and informing someone of your whereabouts. Hostels and hotels with good reviews are generally safe choices for accommodation.

Walking Around at Night

Walking around at night in tourist areas is generally safe, but caution is advised. Stick to well-lit, populated areas and avoid shortcuts through alleys or deserted streets. In rural areas or less frequented parts of cities, it’s better to take a taxi or other transportation.


Scams targeting tourists are quite common in Thailand. Common scams include overpriced taxi fares, gem scams, and fake tour operators. Always use reputable services, agree on prices beforehand, and be skeptical of deals that seem too good to be true.

Travelers from Azerbaijan will find Thailand a fascinating destination with its own set of challenges and rewards. By staying aware and taking basic precautions, you can enjoy a safe and memorable trip.


Thai and Azerbaijani cuisines share some similarities, particularly in their use of fresh herbs, spices, and a balance of flavors. Both cuisines emphasize the importance of fresh ingredients and aromatic herbs, creating dishes that are both flavorful and fragrant.

In Thailand, travelers from Azerbaijan will find familiar elements such as rice, which is a staple in both countries. Thai cuisine often features jasmine rice, while Azerbaijani cuisine commonly uses long-grain rice in dishes like “plov.” Additionally, both cuisines make extensive use of herbs like cilantro and mint, and spices such as turmeric and cumin.

Azerbaijani travelers will appreciate Thai grilled meats, reminiscent of Azerbaijani kebabs. Thai “satay,” skewered and grilled meat served with a peanut sauce, offers a familiar yet distinct flavor profile. Similarly, “moo ping” (grilled pork skewers) and “gai yang” (grilled chicken) are popular street food options that might remind travelers of home.

For those who enjoy stews and soups, Thailand offers “tom yum” and “tom kha gai.” These soups are rich in flavor, combining lemongrass, galangal, kaffir lime leaves, and chili. While different from Azerbaijani soups like “dovga” or “piti,” they provide a hearty and aromatic experience.

Noodle dishes such as “pad thai” or “pad see ew” can also appeal to Azerbaijani tastes. These dishes incorporate stir-fried noodles with a mix of vegetables, meats, and flavorful sauces, somewhat akin to the noodle-based dishes found in Azerbaijani cuisine.

Seafood lovers will find plenty to enjoy in Thailand. Dishes like “pla kapong neung manao” (steamed fish with lime and garlic) or “goong ob woonsen” (shrimp with glass noodles) showcase Thailand’s abundant seafood, prepared with fresh herbs and spices that enhance the natural flavors.

Desserts in Thailand often feature tropical fruits like mangoes and coconuts, which may be less familiar but are deliciously refreshing. “Mango sticky rice” is a must-try, combining sweet mangoes with sticky rice and coconut milk. This dessert offers a delightful contrast of textures and flavors.

In summary, Azerbaijani travelers to Thailand will find both familiar elements and new culinary adventures. The shared emphasis on fresh ingredients and balanced flavors ensures a memorable dining experience.


Cultural Differences and Making Friends

In Thailand, social harmony and respect are paramount. Unlike the more direct communication style in Azerbaijan, Thais often use indirect communication to avoid confrontation. Smiling is a significant part of Thai culture and is used to express a range of emotions. To make friends, show genuine interest in their culture and be polite. Using basic Thai phrases like “Sawadee” (hello) and “Khop khun” (thank you) can go a long way.

What to Do

  • Respect Elders: Always show respect to older people. Use the traditional Thai greeting, the “wai,” by placing your palms together in a prayer-like gesture and bowing slightly.
  • Dress Modestly: When visiting temples or religious sites, dress conservatively. Shoulders and knees should be covered.
  • Remove Shoes: Always remove your shoes before entering someone’s home or a temple.
  • Be Polite: Use polite language and avoid raising your voice.

What Not to Do

  • Avoid Touching the Head: The head is considered the most sacred part of the body. Do not touch anyone’s head, even children.
  • Do Not Point Feet: Feet are considered the lowest and dirtiest part of the body. Avoid pointing your feet at people or religious objects.
  • Public Displays of Affection: Public displays of affection are generally frowned upon. Keep physical interactions discreet.

Habits Not to Bring from Azerbaijan

  • Direct Confrontation: Avoid direct confrontation or criticism. Thais value saving face and maintaining harmony.
  • Overt Gestures: Loud talking, large hand gestures, or aggressive behavior can be seen as rude.
  • Formal Attire in Casual Settings: While Azerbaijanis may be used to dressing formally, casual but neat attire is more appropriate in most Thai social settings.

Deportment and Respect

  • Touching: Physical contact is less common in Thailand compared to Azerbaijan. A simple wai or smile is a respectful greeting.
  • Religious Places: Show utmost respect in temples. Do not take photos where prohibited, and avoid touching religious artifacts.
  • Public Presentation: Dress neatly and modestly. Your appearance should reflect respect for the local culture.

Behavior on Public Transport

  • Quietness: Keep noise levels low. Avoid talking loudly on the phone or playing music without headphones.
  • Priority Seating: Give up seats for monks, elderly people, and pregnant women.
  • Queueing: Always stand in line and wait your turn.

Losing and Gaining Face

In Thai culture, “losing face” refers to being embarrassed or humiliated in public. This can happen through direct criticism, losing temper, or failing to meet social expectations. On the other hand, “gaining face” involves earning respect through polite behavior, showing humility, and maintaining social harmony. Always strive to help others save face by avoiding confrontational behavior and showing respect in all interactions.


Bringing Phone from Azerbaijan

Make sure your phone is unlocked so you can use a Thai SIM card. Most modern smartphones will work in Thailand as the country uses GSM 900/1800/1900 frequencies, which are commonly supported.

Internet Availability

Thailand has extensive internet coverage, especially in urban areas and tourist destinations. Wi-Fi is widely available in hotels, cafes, and restaurants. For more consistent access, consider purchasing a local SIM card with a data plan from providers like AIS, DTAC, or TrueMove.

Dominant Messaging Apps

The most commonly used messaging apps in Thailand are LINE and WhatsApp. Make sure to have these installed for easy communication with locals and services.

Must-Download Apps Before Arrival

  • Grab: For taxis and food delivery.
  • LINE: For messaging and local services.
  • Google Translate: For language assistance.
  • or Google Maps: For navigation.
  • Klook: For booking tours and activities.
  • Airbnb: For accommodation options.
  • XE Currency: To keep track of exchange rates.


The currency in Thailand is the Thai Baht (THB). It’s advisable to exchange some money before you arrive or at the airport. Currency exchange booths are also common in tourist areas.


ATMs are widely available throughout Thailand. International cards are accepted, but be aware of potential foreign transaction fees and local ATM fees (usually around 200 THB per transaction). Notify your bank beforehand to avoid any issues.

Taxi Apps

Grab is the most reliable taxi app in Thailand. It offers various services including GrabCar, GrabTaxi, and GrabBike. Uber is not available in Thailand.

Food Delivery

Food delivery is very popular in Thailand. GrabFood and Foodpanda are the leading food delivery apps. They offer a wide range of restaurants and cuisines.

Credit Cards

Credit cards are widely accepted in hotels, larger restaurants, and shopping malls. However, smaller establishments and street vendors may only accept cash. Visa and MasterCard are the most commonly accepted cards.


For shopping, visit places like MBK Center, Siam Paragon, and Chatuchak Weekend Market in Bangkok. Night markets are also popular for local goods and souvenirs.


The State Railway of Thailand operates the country’s train services. Trains are a good option for long-distance travel, particularly the overnight trains. Book tickets in advance during peak seasons.

Local Buses

Local buses are available but can be confusing for non-Thai speakers. Bus routes cover most parts of cities and towns, but for convenience, you might prefer using taxis or ride-hailing apps. The Bangkok Mass Transit Authority (BMTA) operates buses in Bangkok.


Acceptance of Men from Azerbaijan

Thai people are generally very hospitable and open-minded, and this extends to men from Azerbaijan. While you may encounter some curiosity about your background, most interactions will be positive. Thai women appreciate respectful and kind behavior, so always approach with politeness.

Funny Ways to Tell Women You Are from Azerbaijan

Humor can be a great icebreaker. You might say, “I’m from a country where our carpets can fly… just kidding, it’s Azerbaijan!” or “I’m from Azerbaijan, where we have more sheep than people!” These light-hearted comments can make the conversation more engaging.

Which Dating Apps to Use

Popular dating apps in Thailand include Tinder, Bumble, and Badoo. ThaiFriendly and ThaiCupid are also specifically geared towards meeting Thai singles. These platforms are user-friendly and have large user bases.

Good Opening Lines to Use with Thai Women on the Apps

  • “Hi! I’m new to Thailand and would love some local recommendations. What’s your favorite spot in the city?”
  • “Hello! Your smile caught my eye, and I just had to say hi.”
  • “Sawadee khrub! (Hello in Thai) I’m [Your Name] from Azerbaijan. How’s your day going?”

Teaching Thai Women About Azerbaijani Culture

Share interesting facts about Azerbaijan, such as its rich history, delicious cuisine like plov and dolma, and beautiful landmarks like the Maiden Tower in Baku. You could also mention traditional dances and music to give them a fuller picture of your culture.

Dressing and Personal Hygiene

Dress neatly and appropriately for the occasion. Casual but clean attire works well for most situations. Personal hygiene is crucial—make sure you are well-groomed, wear deodorant, and keep your breath fresh.

Examples of Red Flags You Should Watch For

  • If she asks for money or gifts early on.
  • If she avoids answering personal questions.
  • If her profile seems too good to be true (e.g., professional photos only).
  • If she is overly eager to meet in private places.

Examples of Scams on Dating Apps

Be cautious of profiles that quickly move the conversation off the app to WhatsApp or Line. Also, be wary of anyone asking for financial assistance or personal information like your bank details.

Major Difference in Dating Between Azerbaijan and Thailand

Azerbaijani dating culture can be more conservative compared to Thailand. In Thailand, casual dating is more common, and public displays of affection are generally more accepted. However, family approval is still important in both cultures.

Major Differences Between Thai Women and Azerbaijani Women

Thai women are often more open to casual dating and may be more independent in their social lives. Azerbaijani women might place a higher emphasis on long-term commitment and family involvement in relationships.

Popular First Date Activities

  • Visiting a night market.
  • Enjoying street food together.
  • Exploring a temple or cultural site.
  • Going for a coffee or a meal at a local restaurant.
  • Taking a walk in a park or along the beach.

Red Light Districts

Bangkok’s red light districts include Patpong, Soi Cowboy, and Nana Plaza. Pattaya also has a notorious nightlife scene. These areas are known for adult entertainment and should be approached with caution.

Prostitution on Dating Apps

Prostitution is illegal in Thailand, but it does exist on dating apps. Be cautious if someone seems too forward about meeting up quickly or mentions money in any context.

10 Places to Meet Thai Women Outside of Dating Apps

  1. Universities - Many campuses have events open to the public.
  2. Coffee Shops - Popular spots for locals to hang out.
  3. Night Markets - Great for casual conversations.
  4. Fitness Centers - A healthy way to meet people.
  5. Language Exchange Meetups - Perfect for cultural exchange.
  6. Shopping Malls - Common social hubs.
  7. Temples - Cultural sites where you can meet locals.
  8. Public Parks - Ideal for relaxed interactions.
  9. Cooking Classes - Fun and interactive settings.
  10. Volunteer Activities - Meet like-minded individuals while giving back.

By keeping these points in mind, Azerbaijani men can navigate the dating scene in Thailand with confidence and respect for local customs and culture.


Practical Guide to Extending a Thai Tourist Visa or Visa Exemption for Azerbaijani Passport Holders

Extending your stay in Thailand as an Azerbaijani passport holder involves a straightforward process. This guide will walk you through the necessary steps to extend your Thai tourist visa or visa exemption.

1. Gather Required Documents

Before heading to the immigration office, make sure you have the following documents prepared:

  • Passport: Your passport must be valid for at least six months from the date of extension.
  • TM.7 Form: This is the application form for a visa extension. You can download it from the Thai Immigration Bureau website or get it at the immigration office.
  • Passport-Sized Photos: Two recent photos (4x6 cm).
  • Proof of Accommodation: This could be a hotel booking, rental agreement, or a letter from a host.
  • Proof of Financial Means: Bank statements or cash showing you have sufficient funds to support your stay.
  • Extension Fee: The current fee for extending a tourist visa or visa exemption is 1,900 THB (subject to change).

2. Visit the Immigration Office

Locate the nearest immigration office. Popular offices include:

  • Bangkok: Chaeng Wattana Immigration Office
  • Chiang Mai: Promenada Mall Immigration Office
  • Phuket: Phuket Town Immigration Office

3. Submit Your Application

At the immigration office:

  • Complete the TM.7 Form: Fill out the application form if you haven’t done so already.
  • Submit Documents: Hand over your passport, completed TM.7 form, passport photos, proof of accommodation, and proof of financial means.
  • Pay the Fee: Pay the extension fee of 1,900 THB.

4. Wait for Processing

The processing time can vary, but it usually takes a few hours. Some offices might ask you to return the next day to collect your passport.

5. Collect Your Passport

Once your extension is approved, you’ll receive your passport with an extension stamp. Make sure to check the new expiry date and keep your documents safe.

Tips and Considerations

  • Early Application: Apply for your extension at least one week before your current visa or exemption period expires.
  • Dress Appropriately: Wear respectful attire when visiting immigration offices.
  • Public Holidays: Check for Thai public holidays as immigration offices will be closed.
  • Multiple Extensions: Be aware that multiple extensions may be scrutinized more closely and could potentially be denied.

By following these steps, you can smoothly extend your stay in Thailand and enjoy more of what this beautiful country has to offer. Safe travels!

Salam, əziz azərbaycanlı səyahətçilər! Thai Kru ilə Tayland macərasına hazırsınızmı? Biz sizin üçün viza, mədəniyyət, yerləşmə, turlar, tərcümələr və şəxsi bələdçilər təşkil edirik. Taylandın gözəlliklərini bizimlə kəşf edin və "Sabai Sabai" (rahat və xoşbəxt) bir tətil yaşayın. Thai Kru ilə hər şey asan və əyləncəli olacaq! Qafqazın ruhunu Taylandda yaşayın!