Thailand visa requirements  |  Belarus

"Патрабаванні да візы ў Тайланд для грамадзян Беларусі."

Updated 1 month ago at Sat, Jun 01, 2024
Visas  |  Requirements  |  Demographics  |  Crime  |  Food  |  Culture  |  Fundamentals  |  Relationships  |  Visa Extension


  Visa Duration

60 Day Visa Exemption is NOT available for Belarusian citizens

30 days Extension

15 Day Visa on Arrival is available for Belarusian citizens

15 days
no Extension

Tourist Visa is Available for Belarus

60 days
30 days Extension

Destination Thailand Visa is Available for Belarus

6 months
6 months Extension

Retirement Visa is Available for Belarus

1 year
1 year Extension

Retirement Visa 10 Year is Available for Belarus

5 year
5 year Extension

Education Visa is Available for Belarus

varied Extension

Business/Work Visa is Available for Belarus

1 year
1 year Extension

Marriage Visa is Available for Belarus

1 year
1 year Extension

Family Visa is Available for Belarus

3 Months - 1 Year
varied Extension

Privilege/Elite Visa is Available for Belarus

5/10/20 years
varied Extension

LTR Visa is Available for Belarus

5 years
5 years Extension



Population and Size of Country

Belarus has a population of approximately 9.4 million people and covers an area of about 207,600 square kilometers. In contrast, Thailand has a significantly larger population of around 70 million people and a land area of about 513,120 square kilometers.


Belarus is predominantly ethnically homogeneous, with Belarusians making up around 84% of the population. Other ethnic groups include Russians, Poles, and Ukrainians. Thailand is more ethnically diverse, with the majority being ethnic Thais (around 75%), followed by various ethnic groups such as Chinese, Malay, and indigenous hill tribes.


In Belarus, the dominant religion is Eastern Orthodox Christianity, which is practiced by about 80% of the population. There are also small communities of Roman Catholics, Protestants, and Jews. Thailand is predominantly Buddhist, with about 93% of the population adhering to Theravada Buddhism. Other religions practiced include Islam, Christianity, and Hinduism.


Belarus has a GDP (nominal) of approximately $60 billion USD. The economy is largely state-controlled with significant contributions from manufacturing and agriculture. Thailand’s GDP (nominal) is much higher, at around $500 billion USD. The Thai economy is more diverse and market-oriented, with significant contributions from tourism, manufacturing, and agriculture.

Population Age Brackets

Belarus has an aging population with a median age of around 40 years. Approximately 17% of the population is aged 65 and older, while around 16% are under the age of 15. Thailand also has an aging population but with a slightly lower median age of about 39 years. Around 12% of the population is aged 65 and older, while approximately 17% are under the age of 15.

Men vs Women

In Belarus, the gender ratio is slightly skewed with about 87 men for every 100 women. This is largely due to higher male mortality rates. In Thailand, the gender ratio is more balanced with about 97 men for every 100 women.

Source of Popular Types of Income

In Belarus, popular sources of income include manufacturing (especially machinery and chemicals), agriculture (particularly dairy and meat products), and information technology services. In Thailand, key sources of income include tourism, agriculture (notably rice and rubber), manufacturing (especially electronics and automobiles), and services such as finance and healthcare.


Violent Crime

Thailand generally has a lower rate of violent crime compared to many Western countries. However, incidents can still occur, especially in larger cities like Bangkok and tourist-heavy areas such as Pattaya and Phuket. Travelers should exercise caution, particularly in unfamiliar areas and during late-night hours.

Casual Crime

Petty crimes, such as pickpocketing and bag snatching, are more common in crowded places like markets, public transportation, and tourist attractions. It’s advisable to keep your belongings secure and be vigilant, especially in busy areas.

Crimes of Passion

Crimes of passion do occur in Thailand but are relatively rare and usually involve local disputes. These incidents are less likely to affect tourists directly. However, it’s wise to avoid confrontational situations and respect local customs to minimize any risk.

Safety for Solo Women Travelers

Thailand is generally considered safe for solo women travelers. Nevertheless, it’s important to take standard precautions such as avoiding poorly lit areas at night, not accepting drinks from strangers, and informing someone of your whereabouts. Staying in reputable accommodations can also enhance safety.

Walking Around at Night

While walking around at night in tourist areas is generally safe, it’s best to stay in well-lit, populated areas. Avoid walking alone in secluded areas or poorly lit streets to minimize risk. Using reputable transportation options like registered taxis or ride-sharing services can also enhance safety.


Scams are relatively common in tourist areas. Common scams include overpriced tuk-tuk rides, gem scams, and fake tour operators. Always use reputable services, negotiate prices beforehand, and be wary of deals that seem too good to be true. It’s also advisable to book tours and transportation through trusted sources.

Travelers from Belarus can generally expect a safe and enjoyable trip to Thailand by staying informed and taking basic safety precautions.


Belarusian travelers to Thailand will find some delightful similarities in the culinary traditions of both countries, particularly in the use of fresh and locally sourced ingredients. Both cuisines emphasize the importance of vegetables, meats, and herbs, though the flavors and preparation methods vary significantly.

In Thailand, travelers can savor a variety of street foods and traditional dishes that echo the hearty and comforting nature of Belarusian cuisine. For example, just as Belarus has its beloved soups like borscht, Thailand offers Tom Yum Goong, a hot and sour shrimp soup that is rich in flavor and aromatic with lemongrass, kaffir lime leaves, and galangal. Another Thai soup, Tom Kha Gai, features chicken in a coconut milk base, providing a creamy and soothing experience similar to some Belarusian stews.

Belarusians who enjoy potato dishes will find comfort in Thai cuisine’s use of root vegetables. While Belarusian draniki (potato pancakes) are a staple, in Thailand, they might enjoy dishes like Pad Thai, which often includes crispy fried tofu or shrimp along with rice noodles, peanuts, and a tangy tamarind sauce. The balance of sweet, sour, salty, and spicy in Pad Thai can be an exciting new experience.

Both cuisines also value grilled meats. Belarusian shashlik (skewered grilled meat) has its Thai counterpart in dishes like Moo Ping (grilled pork skewers) and Gai Yang (grilled chicken). These Thai versions are marinated with a variety of spices and herbs, offering a burst of flavors that are both familiar yet exotic.

For those with a sweet tooth, Thai desserts such as Mango Sticky Rice provide a delightful treat. This dessert features ripe mango slices served with sweet sticky rice flavored with coconut milk, offering a unique yet comforting sweetness akin to Belarusian desserts like syrniki (fried quark pancakes) which are often served with sweet toppings.

Overall, while the flavors and ingredients may differ, Belarusians will find that the essence of hearty, flavorful, and fresh ingredients remains a common thread between their homeland’s cuisine and the vibrant culinary landscape of Thailand.


Cultural Differences and Making Friends

In Thailand, social harmony and respect are highly valued. When making friends, always greet with a “wai” (a slight bow with hands pressed together in a prayer-like fashion). Avoid overly direct communication; being subtle and indirect is often more appreciated. Smiling is a crucial part of Thai culture—it can diffuse tension and foster goodwill.

What to Do

  • Respect the Monarchy: The Thai King and the royal family are deeply revered. Always show respect and avoid any negative comments.
  • Dress Modestly: Especially when visiting temples or religious sites, wear clothing that covers your shoulders and knees.
  • Remove Shoes: Always take off your shoes before entering someone’s home or a temple.
  • Use Both Hands: When giving or receiving something, use both hands or your right hand supported by your left hand.

What Not to Do

  • Avoid Public Displays of Affection: Holding hands is generally acceptable, but more intimate gestures are frowned upon.
  • Don’t Touch People’s Heads: The head is considered the most sacred part of the body.
  • Avoid Pointing Feet: Feet are considered the lowest part of the body and pointing them at people or religious objects is disrespectful.

Habits Not to Bring from Belarus

  • Loud Talking or Arguing: Thais appreciate calm and composed behavior. Loudness can be seen as aggressive.
  • Direct Confrontation: In Thailand, it’s better to address conflicts indirectly to avoid embarrassment for all parties involved.

Deportment and Respect

  • Touching: Avoid touching people, especially on the head. Even friendly gestures like back-slapping can be seen as too forward.
  • Religious Places: Always show the utmost respect in temples. Never point your feet towards a Buddha statue or a monk.
  • Public Presentation: Dress modestly and conservatively. Avoid wearing revealing clothing in public spaces.
  • Behavior on Public Transport: Be patient and quiet. Offer your seat to monks, elderly, and pregnant women.

Losing and Gaining Face

In Thai culture, “losing face” means being embarrassed or humiliated in public, which is highly undesirable. Avoid causing someone to lose face by not criticizing or reprimanding them publicly. “Gaining face,” on the other hand, involves actions that bring respect and honor. Complimenting someone in front of others or showing humility can help you gain face.

Understanding these cultural nuances will help Belarusian travelers navigate social interactions in Thailand smoothly and respectfully.


Bringing Phone from Belarus

Ensure your phone is unlocked for international use. Most modern smartphones should work in Thailand, but double-check compatibility with Thai networks. Consider buying a local SIM card upon arrival, which can be easily obtained at the airport or convenience stores.

Internet Availability

Thailand has excellent internet coverage, including 4G and expanding 5G networks. Free Wi-Fi is common in hotels, cafes, and restaurants. For constant connectivity, a local SIM card with a data plan is recommended.

Dominant Messaging Apps

LINE is the most popular messaging app in Thailand. Other commonly used apps include WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger. Download these to stay connected.

Must-Download Apps Before Arrival

  • LINE: For messaging and communication.
  • Grab: For ride-hailing and food delivery.
  • Google Maps: For navigation.
  • Translate: Google Translate or a similar app for language assistance.
  • Klook: For booking activities and tours.


The currency is the Thai Baht (THB). It’s advisable to exchange some money before arrival, but ATMs are widely available for withdrawals.


ATMs are plentiful in urban areas. International cards are generally accepted, but be aware of withdrawal fees. Notify your bank about your travel plans to avoid any issues.

Taxi Apps

Grab is the leading ride-hailing app, similar to Uber. It’s reliable and widely used in major cities like Bangkok, Chiang Mai, and Phuket.

Food Delivery

Food delivery services are popular, with GrabFood and Foodpanda being the leading options. Both offer a wide range of local and international cuisine.

Credit Cards

Credit cards are widely accepted in hotels, large restaurants, and shopping malls. However, smaller establishments may prefer cash, so keep some Baht handy.


For shopping, visit places like Chatuchak Market in Bangkok for local goods, or large malls such as Siam Paragon and CentralWorld for international brands. Night markets are also popular for unique finds and street food.


Thailand’s train network is extensive. The State Railway of Thailand (SRT) operates long-distance trains that connect major cities. For a scenic experience, consider the train from Bangkok to Chiang Mai.

Local Buses

Local buses are an economical way to get around, though they can be confusing for newcomers. In Bangkok, the BTS Skytrain and MRT Subway are efficient options for city travel.

By keeping these considerations in mind, travelers from Belarus can enjoy a smooth and enjoyable trip to Thailand.


Acceptance of Men from Belarus

Thai people are generally warm and welcoming to foreigners, including men from Belarus. However, the level of acceptance can vary based on individual experiences and perceptions. Being respectful of Thai culture and traditions will go a long way in forming positive relationships.

Funny Ways to Tell Women You Are From Belarus

You can use humor to break the ice by saying something like, “I’m from Belarus, where we have more potatoes than people!” or “I’m from Belarus, where winter lasts nine months and the rest is summer!”

Which Dating Apps to Use

Popular dating apps in Thailand include Tinder, Badoo, and ThaiCupid. These platforms are widely used and have a large user base, making it easier to connect with Thai women.

Good Opening Lines to Use with Thai Women on the Apps

  • “Hi! I’m new to Thailand and would love to know more about your beautiful country. Can you recommend any places I should visit?”
  • “Hello! I’m from Belarus and I’m really interested in Thai culture. Can you share some interesting facts with me?”
  • “Hey! Your smile caught my eye. How’s your day going?”

Teaching Thai Women About Belarusian Culture

Start with simple facts about Belarus, such as its rich history, beautiful landscapes, and unique traditions. Share interesting tidbits like the traditional Belarusian cuisine or famous landmarks like the Mir Castle. You can also teach them a few basic words in Belarusian to make it fun.

Dressing and Personal Hygiene

Thai people appreciate cleanliness and good grooming. Dress neatly and avoid overly casual attire when meeting someone for the first time. Personal hygiene is crucial; make sure you are always clean and presentable.

Examples of Red Flags You Should Watch For

  • Overly eager to ask for personal details or financial help early in the conversation.
  • Inconsistent stories or unwillingness to share personal information.
  • Excessive flattery that feels insincere.

Examples of Scams on Dating Apps

  • Requests for money or financial assistance.
  • Fake profiles using photos of models or celebrities.
  • Sudden emergencies that require financial help.

Major Difference in Dating Between Belarus and Thailand

In Belarus, dating might be more straightforward and direct, whereas in Thailand, it often involves a more gradual process of getting to know each other. Thai culture places a higher value on family approval and social harmony.

Major Differences Between Thai Women and Belarusian Women

Thai women may place a higher emphasis on traditional roles and family values compared to Belarusian women. They might also be more reserved initially but warm up as trust is built. Belarusian women might be more direct and independent in their approach to relationships.

Popular First Date Activities

  • Visiting a local market or night bazaar.
  • Dining at a Thai restaurant.
  • Exploring a cultural site like a temple or museum.
  • Enjoying a coffee at a cozy café.

Red Light Districts

Areas like Patpong in Bangkok, Walking Street in Pattaya, and Bangla Road in Phuket are known for their nightlife and red-light districts. Be cautious if you choose to visit these areas as they may not represent typical Thai culture.

Prostitution on Dating Apps

Prostitution can be prevalent on some dating apps. Be wary of profiles that seem overly suggestive or ask for money in exchange for meeting up. Always ensure that the person you are talking to is genuinely interested in forming a relationship.

10 Places to Meet Thai Women Outside of Dating Apps

  1. Cafés: Popular spots for locals to hang out.
  2. Universities: Many universities have events open to the public.
  3. Night Markets: Great for casual conversations.
  4. Gyms: Fitness centers are becoming popular social spots.
  5. Cultural Festivals: Engage with people interested in their heritage.
  6. Language Exchange Events: Perfect for meeting locals interested in learning English.
  7. Shopping Malls: Common social hubs for young Thais.
  8. Bookstores: Ideal for meeting someone with similar intellectual interests.
  9. Public Parks: Great for casual encounters during morning or evening walks.
  10. Volunteer Activities: Join local community service projects to meet like-minded individuals.

By following these guidelines, Belarusian men can navigate the dating scene in Thailand more effectively and respectfully.


Practical Guide to Extending a Thai Tourist Visa or Visa Exemption for Belarusian Passport Holders

Extending your stay in Thailand as a Belarusian passport holder involves a few straightforward steps. Here’s a practical guide to help you navigate the process:

1. Gather Necessary Documents

  • Passport: Ensure it is valid for at least six months and has blank pages.
  • TM.7 Form: This is the application form for visa extension. You can download it online or get it at the immigration office.
  • Passport-Sized Photos: Two recent photos (4x6 cm) are typically required.
  • Proof of Onward Travel: A confirmed flight ticket showing your departure from Thailand.
  • Proof of Accommodation: Hotel bookings or a letter from your host in Thailand.
  • Application Fee: The standard fee for a visa extension is 1,900 THB, payable in cash.

2. Visit the Immigration Office

  • Locate the nearest immigration office. Popular ones include:
    • Bangkok Immigration Office: Located at Chaeng Watthana Government Complex.
    • Chiang Mai Immigration Office: Located near the airport.
    • Phuket Immigration Office: Located in Phuket Town.
  • Arrive early to avoid long queues.

3. Submit Your Application

  • Fill out the TM.7 form accurately.
  • Submit your passport, completed TM.7 form, photos, and proof of onward travel and accommodation.
  • Pay the application fee of 1,900 THB.

4. Wait for Processing

  • Processing times can vary but typically take a few hours.
  • You may be asked some questions about your stay in Thailand; answer honestly and clearly.

5. Receive Your Extension

  • Once approved, your passport will be stamped with the new extension date.
  • Ensure all details are correct before leaving the immigration office.

Tips for a Smooth Process:

  • Dress Appropriately: Respectful attire is recommended when visiting government offices.
  • Be Polite: Thai immigration officers appreciate courteous behavior.
  • Double-Check Documents: Ensure you have all required documents to avoid delays.

By following these steps, Belarusian passport holders can successfully extend their stay in Thailand, allowing more time to enjoy this beautiful country.

Захапляльныя прыгоды чакаюць вас у Тайландзе з "Thai Kru"! Забудзьцеся пра складанасці з візамі і браніраваннем - мы зрабім усё за вас. Ад культурных экскурсій да экзатычных пляжаў, нашы індывідуальныя гіды забяспечаць вам незабыўны досвед. Час адчуць сапраўдны Тайланд з "Thai Kru"! Ну што, паедзем?