Thailand visa requirements  |  Colombia

"Requisitos de visa para Tailandia para ciudadanos colombianos."

Updated 1 month ago at Sat, Jun 01, 2024
Visas  |  Requirements  |  Demographics  |  Crime  |  Food  |  Culture  |  Fundamentals  |  Relationships  |  Visa Extension


  Visa Duration

60 Day Visa Exemption is available for Colombian citizens

30 days Extension

15 Day Visa on Arrival is NOT available for Colombian citizens

15 days
no Extension

Tourist Visa is Available for Colombia

60 days
30 days Extension

Destination Thailand Visa is Available for Colombia

6 months
6 months Extension

Retirement Visa is Available for Colombia

1 year
1 year Extension

Retirement Visa 10 Year is Available for Colombia

5 year
5 year Extension

Education Visa is Available for Colombia

varied Extension

Business/Work Visa is Available for Colombia

1 year
1 year Extension

Marriage Visa is Available for Colombia

1 year
1 year Extension

Family Visa is Available for Colombia

3 Months - 1 Year
varied Extension

Privilege/Elite Visa is Available for Colombia

5/10/20 years
varied Extension

LTR Visa is Available for Colombia

5 years
5 years Extension



Population and Size of Country

Thailand has a population of approximately 70 million people, while Colombia has around 51 million. Thailand covers an area of about 513,120 square kilometers, making it smaller in size compared to Colombia, which spans approximately 1,141,748 square kilometers.


In Thailand, the majority ethnic group is Thai, making up around 95% of the population. There are also minority groups such as the Chinese, Malay, and various hill tribes. In Colombia, the population is more ethnically diverse, with the majority being Mestizo (mixed European and Indigenous ancestry), followed by significant populations of Afro-Colombians, Indigenous peoples, and those of European descent.


The predominant religion in Thailand is Buddhism, specifically Theravada Buddhism, which is practiced by around 94% of the population. In contrast, Colombia is predominantly Roman Catholic, with about 79% of the population adhering to this faith. There are also smaller communities of Protestants, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and other religious groups in Colombia.


Thailand has a GDP of approximately $543 billion USD, making its economy one of the largest in Southeast Asia. Colombia’s GDP is around $271 billion USD, positioning it as one of the more significant economies in Latin America but still smaller in comparison to Thailand’s.

Population Age Brackets

Thailand’s population is aging, with about 12% of the population being over 65 years old. The largest age group is between 25-54 years old. In Colombia, the population is relatively younger, with a median age of around 31 years. The largest age bracket is also between 25-54 years old, but there is a higher proportion of younger individuals under 25 compared to Thailand.

Men vs Women

In Thailand, the gender ratio is relatively balanced with a slight female majority; there are approximately 0.97 males for every female. In Colombia, the ratio is also fairly balanced but slightly favors women, with about 0.99 males for every female.

Source of Popular Types of Income

Thailand’s economy is diverse with key income sources including tourism, manufacturing (particularly electronics and automobiles), agriculture (notably rice and rubber), and services. Tourism plays a significant role in contributing to Thailand’s GDP.

Colombia’s economy relies heavily on natural resources and agriculture. Major income sources include oil and coal exports, coffee production, cut flowers, and bananas. Additionally, manufacturing and services sectors are growing, with tourism also becoming increasingly important.


Violent Crime

Thailand generally experiences lower levels of violent crime compared to Colombia. While violent incidents do occur, they are relatively rare and often involve disputes between locals rather than targeting tourists. Visitors should still exercise caution, especially in crowded areas and during late-night hours.

Casual Crime

Petty crimes such as pickpocketing and bag-snatching are common in tourist-heavy areas like Bangkok, Phuket, and Pattaya. Safeguard your belongings and be vigilant in crowded places. Unlike in some parts of Colombia, armed robberies are less common in Thailand.

Crimes of Passion

Crimes of passion, often involving domestic disputes or relationships gone sour, do occur but typically do not affect tourists. However, it’s important to be cautious in personal relationships and avoid conflicts that could escalate.

Safety for Solo Women Travelers

Thailand is generally considered safe for solo women travelers. Many women travel alone without encountering significant issues. However, it’s wise to take standard precautions such as avoiding isolated areas at night and being cautious when interacting with strangers.

Walking Around at Night

Walking around at night is relatively safe in most tourist areas of Thailand. However, it is always best to stay in well-lit, populated areas and avoid walking alone late at night in unfamiliar or remote locations.


Scams targeting tourists are quite prevalent in Thailand. Common scams include tuk-tuk drivers overcharging, fake gem shops, and inflated prices for services. Always negotiate fares beforehand, avoid unsolicited offers, and use reputable service providers to minimize the risk of being scammed.

Travelers from Colombia will find that while Thailand presents some risks similar to those back home, the nature and frequency of these risks can differ. Adopting a cautious and informed approach will help ensure a safe and enjoyable visit.


Thailand and Colombia, despite being on opposite sides of the globe, share some interesting culinary similarities that travelers from Colombia will find both familiar and exciting. Both countries have a rich tradition of using fresh ingredients, vibrant spices, and a variety of cooking methods that bring out deep and complex flavors.

In Thailand, much like in Colombia, rice is a staple food. Thai dishes such as Khao Pad (fried rice) and Khao Niew (sticky rice) will feel somewhat familiar to Colombians who are accustomed to dishes like Arroz con Pollo and Arroz Atollado. The use of rice as a base for many meals is a common thread between the two cuisines.

Both cultures also have a strong tradition of street food. In Thailand, travelers can indulge in Pad Thai, a stir-fried noodle dish with shrimp or chicken, peanuts, and a tangy tamarind sauce. This can be compared to Colombia’s Arepas, which are also often enjoyed as street food with various fillings. The bustling street food scenes in cities like Bangkok and Bogotá offer a similar energy and variety.

Thai cuisine’s use of fresh herbs and spices such as lemongrass, galangal, and kaffir lime leaves can be likened to the Colombian use of cilantro, cumin, and achiote. For example, Tom Yum Goong, a hot and sour shrimp soup, might remind Colombians of their own Sancocho, a hearty soup with meat and root vegetables, though the flavors are distinctively different.

For those who enjoy seafood, Thailand offers an array of dishes like Som Tum (spicy green papaya salad) with dried shrimp or Pla Pao (grilled fish). These can be likened to Colombia’s coastal dishes such as Ceviche and Pargo Frito. Both cuisines celebrate the freshness of seafood with bold, zesty flavors.

Desserts in Thailand also offer a unique experience. Mango Sticky Rice, a sweet dish made with glutinous rice, fresh mango, and coconut milk, could be an interesting comparison to Colombian sweets like Arroz con Leche or Tres Leches Cake, both of which use milk and rice in creative ways.

Overall, while the specific ingredients and flavor profiles differ, the emphasis on freshness, bold flavors, and the joy of communal eating are shared values in both Thai and Colombian cuisines. Travelers from Colombia will find plenty to explore and enjoy in Thailand’s vibrant food scene.


Cultural Differences and Making Friends

In Thailand, showing respect and maintaining harmony are paramount. Unlike the more expressive and direct communication style often found in Colombia, Thais tend to be more reserved and indirect. When making friends, a warm smile and polite demeanor go a long way. Avoid overly enthusiastic gestures or loud voices, as these can be perceived as aggressive or disrespectful.

What to Do

  • Greetings: Use the traditional Thai greeting called the “wai,” where you place your palms together in a prayer-like gesture and bow slightly. This is especially important when greeting elders or those in positions of authority.
  • Respect for Elders: Always show deference to older people. Allow them to speak first, and offer them the best seats or positions in a room.
  • Shoes Off: Remove your shoes before entering someone’s home or a temple. This is a sign of respect.
  • Public Transport: Be quiet and respectful on public transportation. Loud conversations or disruptive behavior are frowned upon.

What Not to Do

  • Touching: Avoid touching people on the head, as it is considered the most sacred part of the body. Similarly, avoid pointing your feet at people or religious objects, as feet are considered the lowest and dirtiest part of the body.
  • Public Displays of Affection: Thais are generally conservative about physical affection in public. Hand-holding may be acceptable, but anything more intimate should be avoided.
  • Criticism: Avoid openly criticizing others, especially in public. This can cause loss of face and is considered very rude.

Habits Not to Bring from Colombia

  • Overt Expressiveness: Tone down any overly expressive gestures and loud conversations. Thais value calmness and subtlety in social interactions.
  • Direct Confrontation: Avoid direct confrontation. If you need to address an issue, do so in a way that allows both parties to save face.

Deportment and Respect

  • Dress Modestly: When visiting religious sites, dress modestly. This means covering your shoulders and knees. In general, dressing neatly and modestly is appreciated.
  • Respect Religious Places: When visiting temples, behave respectfully. Do not climb on statues or take inappropriate photos. Always walk around religious objects in a clockwise direction.

Losing and Gaining Face

In Thai culture, “face” represents a person’s dignity and social standing. “Losing face” means being embarrassed or humiliated in public, which can damage one’s reputation and relationships. To avoid causing someone to lose face, be indirect in your criticisms and avoid confrontations. “Gaining face,” on the other hand, involves actions that enhance one’s reputation and social standing, such as showing respect, generosity, and maintaining composure in difficult situations.

By understanding these cultural nuances, Colombian travelers can enjoy a more harmonious and enriching experience in Thailand.


Bringing Phone from Colombia
Most modern smartphones from Colombia will work in Thailand as both countries use GSM networks. Ensure your phone is unlocked to use a Thai SIM card. It’s advisable to bring a universal power adapter since Thailand uses Type A, B, C, F, and O plugs with a standard voltage of 220V.

Internet Availability
Internet is widely available in Thailand, with 4G and 5G networks covering most urban and many rural areas. Wi-Fi is common in hotels, cafes, and restaurants.

Dominant Messaging Apps
LINE is the most popular messaging app in Thailand. WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger are also widely used.

Must-Download Apps Before Arrival

  • LINE: For communication with locals.
  • Grab: For ride-hailing and food delivery.
  • Google Maps: For navigation.
  • Thai Baht: Currency converter.
  • Bangkok MRT/BTS apps: For public transportation in Bangkok.

The official currency is the Thai Baht (THB). It’s a good idea to bring some USD or EUR to exchange upon arrival, but ATMs are widely available for cash withdrawal.

ATMs are plentiful in cities and towns. Most accept international cards but charge a fee of around 200-250 THB per transaction. Notify your bank before traveling to avoid any issues with international transactions.

Taxi Apps
Grab is the dominant ride-hailing app in Thailand. It’s reliable and offers services ranging from motorbike taxis to car rides.

Food Delivery
Food delivery services are highly popular in urban areas. GrabFood and Foodpanda are the leading apps for food delivery.

Credit Cards
Credit cards are widely accepted in hotels, large restaurants, and shopping malls. However, smaller businesses and street vendors often prefer cash.

Thailand offers a wide range of shopping experiences, from high-end malls like Siam Paragon in Bangkok to bustling markets like Chatuchak Weekend Market. Bargaining is common in markets but not in malls.

Thailand has an extensive train network. The State Railway of Thailand (SRT) operates long-distance trains, while Bangkok has BTS Skytrain and MRT subway systems for city travel.

Local Buses
Local buses are a cheap way to travel but can be confusing for non-locals due to lack of English signage. In Bangkok, the BMTA operates an extensive bus network.


Acceptance of Men from Colombia

Thai people are generally welcoming and curious about foreigners, including men from Colombia. Show respect for local customs and traditions, and you will likely find yourself well-received.

Funny Ways to Tell Women You Are from Colombia

You can say, “I’m from the land of coffee, salsa, and Shakira!” This can be a fun and engaging way to introduce your nationality.

Which Dating Apps to Use

Popular dating apps in Thailand include Tinder, Bumble, and ThaiFriendly. These platforms have a large user base and are commonly used by locals for dating.

Good Opening Lines to Use with Thai Women on the Apps

  • “Sawadee krub! How’s your day going?”
  • “I just moved here from Colombia. Any tips for a new guy in town?”
  • “Do you like coffee? I can make you a traditional Colombian one!”

Teaching Thai Women About Colombian Culture

Share interesting facts about Colombia, such as its famous coffee, vibrant festivals, and delicious cuisine. You could also share music, like salsa or reggaeton, to give them a taste of Colombian culture.

Dressing and Personal Hygiene

Dress neatly and casually for most occasions. Thais appreciate cleanliness and good grooming, so make sure you are well-dressed and smell fresh. Avoid overly casual attire like flip-flops and tank tops unless you are at the beach.

Examples of Red Flags You Should Watch For

  • If she asks for money early in the relationship.
  • If she is overly secretive about her personal life.
  • If she avoids meeting in public places.

Examples of Scams on Dating Apps

  • Women asking for financial help or gifts.
  • Profiles that seem too good to be true.
  • Requests to send money for travel expenses to meet you.

Major Difference in Dating Between Colombia and Thailand

In Thailand, dating tends to be more conservative initially. Physical affection in public is less common compared to Colombia. Relationships often progress at a slower pace.

Major Differences Between Thai Women and Colombian Women

Thai women may be more reserved and traditional compared to the more expressive and outgoing nature of Colombian women. Family plays a significant role in Thai relationships, and respect for elders is paramount.

Popular First Date Activities

  • Visiting a local market or temple.
  • Going out for a meal at a nice restaurant.
  • Taking a stroll in a park or by the river.
  • Enjoying a coffee at a cozy café.

Red Light Districts

Areas like Patpong, Nana Plaza, and Soi Cowboy in Bangkok are known red-light districts. Be cautious as these areas are also hotspots for scams and illegal activities.

Prostitution on Dating Apps

Be aware that some profiles on dating apps may be linked to prostitution. Look out for overly suggestive photos or profiles that quickly steer conversations towards financial transactions.

10 Places to Meet Thai Women Outside of Dating Apps

  1. Cafés: Popular spots like Starbucks or local coffee shops.
  2. Universities: Areas around major universities like Chulalongkorn or Thammasat.
  3. Shopping Malls: Places like Siam Paragon or CentralWorld.
  4. Parks: Lumpini Park in Bangkok is a great spot.
  5. Night Markets: Chatuchak Weekend Market or Rot Fai Market.
  6. Gyms: Fitness centers or yoga studios.
  7. Cooking Classes: Join a Thai cooking class.
  8. Social Events: Expat meetups or language exchange events.
  9. Temples: Places like Wat Pho or Wat Arun.
  10. Live Music Venues: Bars with live music like Saxophone Pub or Iron Fairies.

By following these guidelines, Colombian men can navigate the dating scene in Thailand more effectively and enjoy meaningful connections with Thai women.


Practical Guide to Extending a Thai Tourist Visa or Visa Exemption for Colombian Passport Holders

If you are a Colombian passport holder currently in Thailand and wish to extend your stay, here’s a step-by-step guide to help you through the process:

1. Determine Your Current Status

First, identify whether you entered Thailand on a tourist visa or under a visa exemption scheme. This will determine the type of extension you can apply for.

2. Gather Required Documents

Prepare the following documents:

  • Passport: Valid for at least six months and with sufficient blank pages.
  • TM.6 Departure Card: The card you received upon entry.
  • Recent Passport-sized Photos: Typically 4x6 cm.
  • Application Form TM.7: Available at immigration offices or online.
  • Proof of Financial Means: Bank statements or cash equivalent to 10,000 THB per person or 20,000 THB per family.
  • Proof of Accommodation: Hotel booking or a letter from your host.

3. Visit the Nearest Immigration Office

Locate the nearest immigration office. Major offices are in Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Phuket, and Pattaya. Arrive early to avoid long queues.

4. Submit Your Application

At the immigration office:

  • Fill out the TM.7 form if you haven’t already.
  • Submit your documents and passport.
  • Pay the application fee (usually around 1,900 THB).

5. Wait for Processing

Processing time can vary, but it generally takes a few hours. Some offices may ask you to return the next day.

6. Receive Your Extension

Once approved, your passport will be stamped with the new extension date.

Additional Tips:

  • Dress Appropriately: Immigration offices have dress codes; avoid wearing shorts or sleeveless shirts.
  • Stay Updated: Rules and requirements can change, so check the Thai Immigration Bureau’s official website or contact them directly for the latest information.
  • Language Barrier: Basic English is spoken at most immigration offices, but having a Thai-speaking friend can be helpful.

By following these steps, you should be able to extend your stay in Thailand smoothly and enjoy more of what this beautiful country has to offer. Safe travels!

¡Prepárate para vivir la aventura de tu vida con Thai Kru, tu agencia de viajes especialista en Tailandia! Desde la tramitación de visas hasta alojamiento, tours personalizados y guías que hablan tu idioma, nosotros te cubrimos. Sumérgete en una cultura fascinante, explora templos majestuosos y disfruta de las playas paradisíacas. ¡Con Thai Kru, sentirás Tailandia como un local, pero con toda la mística del viajero! No lo pienses más, parcero, ¡vive tu sueño tailandés con nosotros!