Thailand visa requirements  |  Comoros

"Mahitaji ya Visa ya Thailand kwa Raia wa Comoro."

Updated 1 month ago at Sat, Jun 01, 2024
Visas  |  Requirements  |  Demographics  |  Crime  |  Food  |  Culture  |  Fundamentals  |  Relationships  |  Visa Extension


  Visa Duration

60 Day Visa Exemption is NOT available for Comoran citizens

30 days Extension

15 Day Visa on Arrival is NOT available for Comoran citizens

15 days
no Extension

Tourist Visa is Available for Comoros

60 days
30 days Extension

Destination Thailand Visa is Available for Comoros

6 months
6 months Extension

Retirement Visa is Available for Comoros

1 year
1 year Extension

Retirement Visa 10 Year is Available for Comoros

5 year
5 year Extension

Education Visa is Available for Comoros

varied Extension

Business/Work Visa is Available for Comoros

1 year
1 year Extension

Marriage Visa is Available for Comoros

1 year
1 year Extension

Family Visa is Available for Comoros

3 Months - 1 Year
varied Extension

Privilege/Elite Visa is Available for Comoros

5/10/20 years
varied Extension

LTR Visa is Available for Comoros

5 years
5 years Extension



Population and Size of Country

Thailand has a significantly larger population and land area compared to Comoros. As of recent estimates, Thailand’s population is around 70 million people, while Comoros has a population of approximately 850,000. In terms of land area, Thailand spans about 513,120 square kilometers, whereas Comoros covers only about 2,235 square kilometers.


Thailand is predominantly ethnically Thai, with significant minority groups including Chinese, Malay, and various hill tribes. Comoros has a more diverse ethnic composition, predominantly composed of people of African-Arab descent, with influences from Malagasy, French, and Indian ancestries.


The primary religion in Thailand is Buddhism, practiced by about 95% of the population. In contrast, Comoros is overwhelmingly Muslim, with nearly 99% of its population adhering to Sunni Islam.


Thailand has a much larger and more diverse economy with a GDP of over $500 billion USD, driven by industries such as manufacturing, agriculture, and tourism. Comoros has a smaller economy with a GDP of around $1 billion USD, heavily reliant on agriculture, fishing, and remittances from abroad.

Population Age Brackets

Thailand has an aging population with a median age of around 40 years. The age distribution shows a significant portion of the population in the older age brackets. Comoros has a much younger population with a median age of approximately 20 years, indicating a higher proportion of young people.

Men vs Women

In terms of gender distribution, both Thailand and Comoros have relatively balanced male-to-female ratios. However, specific statistics may vary slightly depending on the source and year of the data.

Source of Popular Types of Income

In Thailand, key sources of income include manufacturing (especially electronics and automotive), agriculture (notably rice and rubber), and tourism. In Comoros, the economy is more dependent on agriculture (vanilla, cloves, ylang-ylang), fishing, and remittances from the Comorian diaspora.


Violent Crime

Thailand generally experiences lower rates of violent crime compared to many other countries. While incidents such as armed robbery and assault do occur, they are relatively rare, especially in tourist areas. In contrast, Comoros has higher rates of violent crime, including political unrest and occasional clashes. Travelers are advised to stay in well-populated and well-lit areas, particularly at night.

Casual Crime

Petty crimes such as pickpocketing and bag-snatching are common in crowded areas and tourist hotspots in Thailand. Visitors should be vigilant in markets, public transportation, and popular attractions. Comoros also has issues with petty crime, although the scale and frequency might differ. Basic precautions like keeping valuables secure and being aware of your surroundings are recommended in both countries.

Crimes of Passion

Crimes of passion, often linked to personal relationships and domestic disputes, occur in Thailand but are usually not a concern for tourists. Such incidents are more localized and rarely affect visitors. In Comoros, crimes of passion can also occur but tend to be within communities rather than involving tourists.

Safety for Solo Women Travellers

Thailand is generally considered safe for solo women travelers. However, it is advisable to exercise caution, particularly in less populated areas or when traveling at night. Solo female travelers should avoid accepting drinks from strangers and be cautious when interacting with unfamiliar people. Comoros may present more challenges for solo women travelers due to its conservative culture and higher crime rates. Women in Comoros often face more restrictions and societal expectations regarding their behavior in public.

Walking Around at Night

Walking around at night in Thailand’s major cities like Bangkok, Chiang Mai, and Phuket is relatively safe, especially in well-lit and busy areas. However, it is wise to avoid deserted streets and alleys. In Comoros, walking around at night can be riskier due to less developed infrastructure and higher crime rates. It is generally advisable to take taxis or other forms of secure transportation after dark.


Scams targeting tourists are prevalent in Thailand. Common scams include gem scams, taxi overcharging, and fake tour operators. Visitors should be cautious and skeptical of deals that seem too good to be true. In Comoros, while scams exist, they are less sophisticated but can involve overcharging for services or goods. Being aware and informed can help mitigate the risk of falling victim to scams in both countries.

Travelers from Comoros visiting Thailand should find the overall environment to be safer but should still exercise common sense and take standard precautions to ensure a pleasant stay.


Thailand and Comoros both boast rich culinary traditions that highlight their tropical climates and abundant natural resources. Travelers from Comoros will find several similarities in the use of fresh ingredients, herbs, and spices. Both cuisines emphasize seafood, rice, and coconut milk, creating a familiar yet distinct dining experience.

In Thailand, the use of coconut milk is prevalent in dishes such as Tom Kha Gai (chicken coconut soup) and Green Curry. Comorian travelers will appreciate the creamy texture and aromatic flavors reminiscent of their own coconut-based dishes like Langouste à la vanille (lobster in vanilla sauce).

Seafood is a staple in both countries. In Thailand, dishes like Pla Rad Prik (fried fish with chili sauce) and Goong Ob Woonsen (baked prawns with glass noodles) showcase the freshness and versatility of seafood. These dishes may remind Comorian travelers of their own seafood specialties like Pilaou (spiced rice with fish or meat) and Mshakiki (marinated fish skewers).

Rice is another common element. Thai cuisine features a variety of rice dishes such as Khao Pad (fried rice) and Khao Niew Ma Muang (mango sticky rice). These can be compared to Comorian rice dishes like Pilau and Mkatra Foutra (rice cake), offering a comforting base for more adventurous flavors.

Spices and herbs play a crucial role in both culinary traditions. Thai food often includes lemongrass, galangal, and kaffir lime leaves, which contribute to the unique taste of dishes like Tom Yum Goong (spicy shrimp soup) and Panang Curry. Comorian travelers may find these flavors akin to their own use of cloves, cinnamon, and cardamom in stews and sauces.

For street food enthusiasts, Thailand offers an array of options such as Pad Thai (stir-fried noodles), Som Tum (green papaya salad), and Satay (grilled meat skewers). These quick, flavorful bites offer a parallel to Comorian street snacks like Sambusa (samosas) and Kaimati (sweet dumplings).

By exploring these similarities and trying new dishes, travelers from Comoros can enjoy a rich culinary journey in Thailand that feels both exotic and familiar.


Cultural Differences and Making Friends

When traveling from Comoros to Thailand, you’ll find that Thais are generally friendly and hospitable. However, making friends often involves subtle nuances. Thais appreciate politeness and humility. A traditional way to greet someone is with a “wai,” where you press your palms together in a prayer-like gesture and bow slightly. It’s crucial to use the appropriate level of the wai depending on the social status of the person you’re greeting.

What to Do and What Not to Do


  • Show respect to elders and monks.
  • Remove your shoes before entering someone’s home or a temple.
  • Use both hands when giving or receiving something from someone.
  • Learn a few basic Thai phrases; locals appreciate the effort.


  • Point your feet at people or religious objects; feet are considered the lowest and dirtiest part of the body.
  • Touch someone’s head, as it’s considered the most sacred part of the body.
  • Raise your voice or show anger in public; Thais value calmness and composure.

Habits Not to Bring from Comoros

In Comoros, it might be common to engage in direct eye contact and express emotions openly. In Thailand, however, direct eye contact might be interpreted as confrontational, especially with someone of higher status. Also, avoid public displays of affection, which can be seen as inappropriate.

Deportment and Respect

Respect is deeply ingrained in Thai culture. Always show respect to the Thai Royal Family; speaking ill of them is not only disrespectful but also illegal. When visiting temples, dress modestly—cover your shoulders and knees. Be mindful of your behavior in public spaces; loud or disruptive actions are frowned upon.


Physical contact is generally avoided in Thailand, especially between men and women. A simple touch on the arm might be acceptable among close friends, but anything more can be seen as inappropriate.

Religious Places

When visiting temples, always dress conservatively. Remove your shoes before entering and never point your feet towards a Buddha statue. Women should avoid touching monks; if you need to hand something to a monk, place it on a cloth or a table for him to pick up.

Public Presentation of Oneself

Thais place high importance on personal appearance. Dressing neatly and modestly is seen as a sign of respect for yourself and others. Avoid wearing overly casual attire like shorts and tank tops when you’re not at the beach.

Behavior on Public Transport

On public transport, maintain a low volume when talking. Offer your seat to monks, elderly people, and pregnant women. Avoid eating or drinking on buses and trains.

Losing and Gaining Face

In Thai culture, “face” refers to one’s reputation, dignity, and social standing. Losing face means being embarrassed or humiliated in public, which can be deeply distressing. To avoid causing someone to lose face, refrain from criticizing or arguing openly. Gaining face involves actions that increase one’s respectability and honor, such as showing generosity, kindness, or achieving success.

By understanding these cultural nuances, you’ll navigate Thai society more smoothly and enjoy a more enriching travel experience.


Bringing Phone from Comoros Ensure your phone is unlocked for international use. GSM networks are used in both Comoros and Thailand, so your phone should work without issues. Check with your local carrier about international roaming options, but it’s often more cost-effective to buy a local SIM card in Thailand.

Internet Availability Thailand has extensive 4G coverage and is rolling out 5G in major cities. Free Wi-Fi is available in many hotels, cafes, and public places. Consider purchasing a local SIM card with a data plan from providers like AIS, DTAC, or TrueMove for reliable internet access.

Dominant Messaging Apps LINE is the most popular messaging app in Thailand, followed by Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp. It’s advisable to download and set up LINE before you arrive to stay connected with locals and services.

Must-Download Apps Before Arrival

  • LINE: For messaging and local communication.
  • Google Maps: For navigation.
  • Grab: For taxis and food delivery.
  • Airbnb or Agoda: For accommodation bookings.
  • XE Currency Converter: For real-time exchange rates.
  • Bangkok MRT/BTS Apps: For navigating the metro systems.

Currency The official currency is the Thai Baht (THB). It’s best to exchange some money before you arrive for immediate expenses, but you can find currency exchange booths and banks easily in cities and tourist areas.

ATM Use ATMs are widely available in Thailand. Most accept international cards but may charge a fee of around 200 THB per transaction. Notify your bank of your travel plans to avoid any issues with card usage.

Taxi Apps Grab is the most reliable app for hailing taxis and private cars. It’s similar to Uber and widely used across Thailand.

Food Delivery GrabFood and Foodpanda are the primary food delivery apps. Both offer a wide range of restaurant options and are convenient for ordering meals to your accommodation.

Credit Cards Credit cards are accepted in most hotels, larger restaurants, and shopping malls. However, smaller establishments and street vendors may only accept cash. Visa and MasterCard are the most commonly accepted cards.

Shopping Thailand offers a variety of shopping experiences from luxury malls like Siam Paragon in Bangkok to bustling markets like Chatuchak Weekend Market. For electronics, MBK Center is popular. Always bargain at markets but expect fixed prices in malls.

Trains Thailand’s train network is extensive and managed by the State Railway of Thailand (SRT). Trains are a scenic way to travel between cities on routes like Bangkok to Chiang Mai. Book tickets in advance during peak seasons.

Local Buses Local buses are cheap but can be confusing for non-Thai speakers. In Bangkok, the BMTA operates an extensive network of buses. Air-conditioned buses are more comfortable than the cheaper non-air-conditioned ones. Apps like Moovit can help navigate bus routes.


Acceptance of Men from Comoros

Thai society is generally welcoming to foreigners, including men from Comoros. However, it’s important to be respectful of Thai customs and traditions. Being polite, showing genuine interest in Thai culture, and learning a few Thai phrases can go a long way in making a positive impression.

Funny Ways to Tell Women You Are from Comoros

You could say something light-hearted like, “I’m from Comoros, a small island nation with big hearts!” or “Ever met someone from Comoros? Now you have!”

Which Dating Apps to Use

Popular dating apps in Thailand include Tinder, Bumble, and ThaiFriendly. These platforms have a large user base and are commonly used by locals to meet new people.

Good Opening Lines to Use with Thai Women on the Apps

  • “Sawadee krap! How’s your day going?”
  • “Hi! I’m new here, can you recommend a good place to eat?”
  • “Hey! I’m from Comoros. Have you ever heard of it?”

Teaching Thai Women About Comoran Culture

Share interesting facts about Comoran culture, such as traditional dances, cuisine, and festivals. You could also show pictures or videos of Comoros to give them a visual understanding.

Dressing and Personal Hygiene

Dress smartly and maintain good personal hygiene. In Thailand, personal appearance is quite important. Clean, well-ironed clothes and a neat appearance will make a good impression.

Examples of Red Flags You Should Watch For

  • If someone asks for money early in the relationship.
  • If they avoid meeting in person or video calls.
  • If they seem overly interested in your financial status.

Examples of Scams on Dating Apps

  • Requests for money or financial help.
  • Fake profiles with stolen pictures.
  • People claiming to have an emergency and needing financial assistance.

Major Difference in Dating Between Comoros and Thailand

Thai dating culture often involves more family involvement and traditional values. Public displays of affection are less common in Thailand compared to some other countries.

Major Differences Between Thai Women and Comoran Women

Thai women might be more reserved initially but are very hospitable once they get to know you. They often value family ties and traditional roles more than what you might find in Comoros.

Popular First Date Activities

  • Visiting a night market.
  • Having dinner at a local Thai restaurant.
  • Exploring a temple or cultural site.
  • Taking a cooking class together.

Red Light Districts

Areas like Patpong, Nana Plaza, and Soi Cowboy in Bangkok are known for their nightlife and red-light districts. Exercise caution if you visit these areas.

Prostitution on Dating Apps

Be cautious as some profiles on dating apps might be linked to prostitution. If someone is overly forward or mentions financial transactions early on, it might be a red flag.

10 Places to Meet Thai Women Outside of Dating Apps

  1. Cafes and Coffee Shops – Popular hangout spots.
  2. Universities – Many students are open to meeting new people.
  3. Gyms – A great place for casual conversations.
  4. Shopping Malls – Common social spots.
  5. Night Markets – Vibrant and bustling with locals.
  6. Parks – Ideal for morning or evening walks.
  7. Cooking Classes – Learn Thai cuisine together.
  8. Language Exchange Meetups – Practice languages and meet new people.
  9. Cultural Festivals – Engage in local traditions and celebrations.
  10. Beach Resorts – Popular vacation spots where people are relaxed and open to conversation.

Remember to always be respectful and considerate when interacting with Thai women, whether online or in person.


Practical Guide to Extending a Thai Tourist Visa or Visa Exemption for Comoran Passport Holders

Extending your stay in Thailand as a Comoran passport holder is a straightforward process, provided you follow the necessary steps and meet the requirements. Here’s a practical guide to help you extend your Thai tourist visa or visa exemption:

Step-by-Step Process

  1. Prepare Required Documents:

    • Passport: Ensure your passport is valid for at least six months beyond your intended stay.
    • TM.7 Form: This is the application form for visa extension. It can be downloaded online or obtained at the immigration office.
    • Passport-Sized Photo: One recent photo (4x6 cm).
    • Proof of Funds: Bank statements or other proof of sufficient funds to support your stay.
    • Proof of Accommodation: Hotel booking confirmation or a letter from your host.
    • TM.6 Departure Card: This is the arrival/departure card you received when entering Thailand.
  2. Visit the Immigration Office:

    • Locate the nearest immigration office. Major offices are found in Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Phuket, and Pattaya. It’s advisable to go early in the morning to avoid long queues.
  3. Submit Your Application:

    • Complete the TM.7 form and attach your passport-sized photo.
    • Submit the form along with your passport, TM.6 departure card, and other required documents to the immigration officer.
  4. Pay the Fee:

    • The fee for a tourist visa extension is generally 1,900 THB (Thai Baht). Ensure you have the exact amount in cash.
  5. Wait for Processing:

    • Processing times can vary, but it usually takes a few hours. In some cases, you may need to return the next day to collect your passport.
  6. Receive Your Extension:

    • Once your extension is approved, you will receive a stamp in your passport indicating the new date by which you must leave Thailand.

Important Tips

  • Timing: Apply for an extension at least one week before your current visa or visa exemption expires to avoid overstaying.
  • Dress Code: Dress respectfully when visiting immigration offices; conservative attire is recommended.
  • Multiple Extensions: Be aware that while you can extend your stay, repeated extensions may be scrutinized by immigration officers.
  • Overstay Penalties: Overstaying can result in fines and potential bans from re-entering Thailand. Always ensure your stay is legal.

By following these steps and preparing your documents in advance, you can successfully extend your stay in Thailand and enjoy more of what this beautiful country has to offer. Safe travels!

Découvrez les merveilles de la Thaïlande avec Thai Kru, votre agence de voyage experte! Que ce soit pour les visas, la culture, l'hébergement, les excursions, les traductions ou les guides personnels, nous vous couvrons. Chez Thai Kru, nous facilitons votre voyage du Comores à la Thaïlande, en vous immergeant dans une expérience inoubliable. N'attendez plus, rejoignez-nous pour une aventure tranga! Nos services personnalisés sont conçus pour vous faire sentir chez vous tout en explorant le riche tapestry thaïlandais. Avec Thai Kru, voyagez malin, voyagez local!