Thailand visa requirements  |  Croatia

"Zahtjevi za vizu za Tajland za hrvatske državljane."

Updated 1 month ago at Sat, Jun 01, 2024
Visas  |  Requirements  |  Demographics  |  Crime  |  Food  |  Culture  |  Fundamentals  |  Relationships  |  Visa Extension


  Visa Duration

60 Day Visa Exemption is available for Croatian citizens

30 days Extension

15 Day Visa on Arrival is NOT available for Croatian citizens

15 days
no Extension

Tourist Visa is Available for Croatia

60 days
30 days Extension

Destination Thailand Visa is Available for Croatia

6 months
6 months Extension

Retirement Visa is Available for Croatia

1 year
1 year Extension

Retirement Visa 10 Year is Available for Croatia

5 year
5 year Extension

Education Visa is Available for Croatia

varied Extension

Business/Work Visa is Available for Croatia

1 year
1 year Extension

Marriage Visa is Available for Croatia

1 year
1 year Extension

Family Visa is Available for Croatia

3 Months - 1 Year
varied Extension

Privilege/Elite Visa is Available for Croatia

5/10/20 years
varied Extension

LTR Visa is Available for Croatia

5 years
5 years Extension



Population and Size of Country

Thailand has a significantly larger population compared to Croatia. As of recent estimates, Thailand has approximately 70 million people, while Croatia has around 4 million. In terms of land area, Thailand is also larger, covering about 513,120 square kilometers compared to Croatia’s 56,594 square kilometers.


Thailand is predominantly ethnically homogeneous, with around 95% of the population being ethnic Thais. Other ethnic groups include Chinese, Malay, and various hill tribes. In contrast, Croatia is primarily composed of ethnic Croats (over 90%), with minorities including Serbs, Bosniaks, Italians, and Hungarians.


In Thailand, Buddhism is the dominant religion, practiced by about 95% of the population. The remaining population includes Muslims, Christians, and other religions. Croatia is predominantly Roman Catholic, with approximately 86% of the population adhering to this faith. Other religions include Orthodox Christianity, Islam, and Protestantism.


Thailand has a larger and more diverse economy with a GDP of around $543 billion USD. Croatia’s GDP is smaller, approximately $69 billion USD. Thailand’s economy is driven by manufacturing, agriculture, and tourism, while Croatia relies heavily on services, particularly tourism, along with manufacturing and agriculture.

Population Age Brackets

Thailand has a relatively aging population with about 11% over the age of 65, 70% between 15 and 64 years old, and 19% under 15 years old. Croatia also has an aging population with around 20% over the age of 65, 65% between 15 and 64 years old, and 15% under 15 years old.

Men vs Women

In Thailand, the gender ratio is fairly balanced with a slight skew towards women; there are approximately 98 men for every 100 women. Croatia also has a similar trend with about 93 men for every 100 women.

Source of Popular Types of Income

Thailand’s economy benefits significantly from its manufacturing sector (electronics, automobiles), agriculture (rice, rubber), and tourism. In contrast, Croatia’s economy is heavily reliant on tourism along its Adriatic coast, followed by manufacturing (shipbuilding, pharmaceuticals) and agriculture (wine, olive oil).


Violent Crime

Thailand generally has a lower rate of violent crime compared to many Western countries, including Croatia. While violent crime does exist, it is relatively rare and often localized to specific areas. Travelers are less likely to encounter violent crime in tourist hotspots, but should still exercise caution, especially in less populated or poorly lit areas.

Casual Crime

Petty crimes such as pickpocketing, bag-snatching, and theft are common in crowded places like markets, public transport, and tourist attractions. Travelers should be vigilant with their belongings and avoid displaying valuable items openly. Using hotel safes and carrying only essential items can reduce the risk of theft.

Crimes of Passion

Crimes of passion, although not a widespread issue, do occur and are often linked to domestic disputes or personal relationships. These incidents are generally isolated and rarely involve tourists. Nonetheless, it’s advisable to be cautious in personal interactions and avoid confrontational situations.

Safety for Solo Women Travelers

Thailand is considered relatively safe for solo women travelers. However, it is important to remain cautious and aware of your surroundings. Women should avoid accepting drinks from strangers, stay in reputable accommodations, and use reliable transportation options. It’s also wise to dress modestly, especially in rural areas or when visiting temples.

Walking Around at Night

Walking around at night in Thailand can be safe in well-lit and populated areas, particularly in tourist zones like Bangkok, Chiang Mai, and Phuket. However, caution is advised in quieter or less familiar neighborhoods. Stick to well-lit streets, avoid walking alone if possible, and use registered taxis or ride-sharing services for transportation.


Scams are relatively common in Thailand and can range from minor overcharging to more elaborate schemes. Common scams include tuk-tuk drivers taking you to overpriced shops, gem scams, and fake tour operators. To avoid scams, always book tours through reputable agencies, agree on taxi fares beforehand or use metered taxis, and be skeptical of deals that seem too good to be true.


Thai cuisine, like Croatian cuisine, emphasizes fresh ingredients and a balance of flavors. Both cuisines often feature a mix of sweet, sour, salty, and spicy tastes, creating complex and satisfying dishes.

In Thailand, travelers from Croatia will find familiar elements such as grilled meats, seafood, and rice-based dishes. For example, Thai grilled chicken (Gai Yang) is somewhat similar to Croatian grilled chicken (Piletina na žaru), both being marinated and cooked over an open flame. Thai seafood dishes like Tom Yum Goong (spicy shrimp soup) share the love for fresh seafood found in Croatian coastal cuisine.

Thai salads, such as Som Tum (green papaya salad), can be likened to Croatian salads in their use of fresh vegetables and vibrant flavors. However, Thai salads often include unique ingredients like green papaya and fish sauce, adding a distinct twist.

For those who enjoy soups, Thai cuisine offers a variety of options beyond Tom Yum Goong. Travelers can try Tom Kha Gai (chicken coconut soup), which combines creamy coconut milk with aromatic herbs and spices, providing a comforting experience similar to Croatian broths but with an exotic flair.

Croatian travelers will also appreciate the rice dishes in Thailand. Khao Pad (fried rice) and Pad Thai (stir-fried noodles) are staples that parallel Croatian risottos and pasta dishes in their versatility and comfort-food appeal.

Lastly, desserts in Thailand often feature tropical fruits and coconut milk, akin to the fruit-based sweets found in Croatia. Mango Sticky Rice (Khao Niew Mamuang) is a must-try dessert that highlights the natural sweetness of mangoes combined with the richness of coconut milk.

Overall, while there are unique differences, the shared emphasis on fresh ingredients and balanced flavors will make Croatian travelers feel at home while exploring the diverse and rich culinary landscape of Thailand.


Cultural Differences and Making Friends

In Thailand, social harmony and respect are highly valued. Thais generally appreciate politeness and a non-confrontational demeanor. When making friends, it’s customary to greet people with a “wai,” a gesture where you place your palms together in a prayer-like fashion and bow slightly. This is a sign of respect and is especially important when meeting elders or those in higher social positions.

What to Do

  • Respect Elders: Always show respect to older people and those in positions of authority.
  • Dress Modestly: When visiting temples or religious sites, dress conservatively. Cover your shoulders and knees.
  • Remove Shoes: Take off your shoes before entering someone’s home or any religious place.
  • Smile Often: Thais are known for their smiles, often used to diffuse tension or show friendliness.

What Not to Do

  • Avoid Touching the Head: The head is considered the most sacred part of the body. Avoid touching anyone’s head, including children.
  • Don’t Point Your Feet: Pointing your feet at people or religious objects is seen as disrespectful. Sit cross-legged or tuck your feet under you.
  • Avoid Public Displays of Affection: Holding hands is generally acceptable, but kissing or hugging in public is frowned upon.

Habits Not to Bring from Croatia

  • Direct Confrontation: Thais prefer to avoid direct conflict. Refrain from arguing or raising your voice in public.
  • Overt Criticism: Publicly criticizing someone can cause them to “lose face,” which is highly undesirable.
  • Loud Behavior: Speaking loudly or making a scene in public places is considered rude.

Deportment and Respect

  • Public Presentation: Dress neatly and modestly, especially in formal settings. Casual beachwear is inappropriate outside of beach areas.
  • Touching: Avoid unnecessary physical contact. A light touch on the arm is usually acceptable, but anything more can be intrusive.
  • Public Transport: Be courteous and offer seats to monks, elderly, pregnant women, and children. Keep your voice low and avoid eating.

Losing and Gaining Face

“Losing face” refers to any situation where someone feels humiliated or disrespected. This could be through public criticism, failure, or any other action that diminishes their social standing. Conversely, “gaining face” involves actions that enhance one’s reputation and respect, such as showing humility, helping others, or succeeding in a task. Maintaining face is crucial in Thai culture, so always aim to be respectful and considerate in your interactions.


Bringing Phone from Croatia When traveling from Croatia to Thailand, ensure your phone is unlocked for use with international SIM cards. Most modern smartphones should work seamlessly in Thailand, but check with your carrier to confirm compatibility with Thai networks.

Internet Availability Thailand has extensive internet coverage, especially in urban areas. You can purchase a local SIM card with a data plan at the airport or from major telecom providers like AIS, DTAC, and TrueMove. Free Wi-Fi is widely available in hotels, cafes, and restaurants.

Dominant Messaging Apps LINE is the most popular messaging app in Thailand. WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger are also widely used. It’s a good idea to have these apps installed to stay connected.

Must-Download Apps Before Arrival

  • Google Maps: Essential for navigation.
  • Grab: For taxis and food delivery.
  • LINE: For messaging.
  • XE Currency: For currency conversion.
  • Traveloka: For booking flights and accommodations.
  • Bangkok MRT/BTS: For public transport schedules in Bangkok.

Currency The official currency is the Thai Baht (THB). Familiarize yourself with the exchange rate before arrival. Currency exchange booths are available at airports, hotels, and major tourist areas.

ATM Use ATMs are widespread and accept international cards. Be aware of withdrawal fees, which can be around 200-250 THB per transaction. Inform your bank of your travel plans to avoid card blocks.

Taxi Apps Grab is the leading ride-hailing app in Thailand, similar to Uber. It offers car rides, motorbike taxis, and even food delivery services.

Food Delivery Apart from Grab, Foodpanda is another popular food delivery app. Both offer a wide range of restaurant options from local street food to international cuisine.

Credit Cards Credit cards are widely accepted in hotels, larger restaurants, and shopping malls. However, smaller vendors and street markets often prefer cash. Visa and MasterCard are the most commonly accepted cards.

Shopping Major shopping destinations include Bangkok’s Siam Paragon, MBK Center, and Chatuchak Weekend Market. In Chiang Mai, visit the Night Bazaar. Always carry some cash for street markets and smaller shops.

Trains Thailand has an extensive rail network. The State Railway of Thailand (SRT) operates long-distance trains connecting major cities. For Bangkok, the BTS Skytrain and MRT Subway are convenient options for getting around the city.

Local Buses Local buses are available in most cities and are an economical way to travel. In Bangkok, the BMTA operates a comprehensive network of routes. However, buses can be crowded and schedules are not always reliable.

This guide should help you navigate practical travel considerations while enjoying your trip to Thailand!


Acceptance of Men from Croatia

Thai people are generally welcoming and curious about foreigners, including men from Croatia. While you may not encounter many people who are familiar with Croatia, this can work to your advantage as it makes you an intriguing individual to get to know.

Funny Ways to Tell Women You Are from Croatia

You can break the ice by saying something light-hearted like, “I come from a country where we have more islands than you can count and our football team is almost as famous as our beautiful beaches!” This can lead to a conversation about your homeland and pique her interest.

Which Dating Apps to Use

Popular dating apps in Thailand include Tinder, Bumble, and ThaiCupid. These platforms are widely used and have a diverse user base, making them good options for meeting Thai women.

Good Opening Lines to Use with Thai Women on the Apps

  • “Sawadee krap! I’m [Your Name] from Croatia. Have you ever met someone from my country?”
  • “Hi! I’m new here and would love some local tips. What’s your favorite thing to do in Bangkok?”
  • “Hello! Your profile caught my eye. How do you like to spend your weekends?”

Teaching Thai Women About Croatian Culture

You can introduce Croatian culture by sharing photos of famous landmarks like Dubrovnik or Plitvice Lakes. Talk about traditional Croatian food like “ćevapi” or “strukli,” and perhaps teach her a few basic Croatian phrases.

Dressing and Personal Hygiene

Thai women appreciate men who dress well and maintain good personal hygiene. Opt for clean, casual attire suitable for the tropical climate—think light cotton shirts and shorts. Always ensure you are well-groomed and smell fresh.

Examples of Red Flags You Should Watch For

  • Overly flattering messages too soon.
  • Requests for money or financial help.
  • Reluctance to meet in public places.
  • Inconsistent stories or background information.

Examples of Scams on Dating Apps

Common scams include catfishing (using fake profiles), sob stories asking for financial help, and fake profiles that lead you to phishing websites. Always verify the identity of the person you are talking to by requesting a video call.

Major Difference in Dating Between Croatia and Thailand

In Thailand, dating often involves a slower pace with a focus on building trust and mutual respect. Family approval is significant, and public displays of affection are usually more subdued compared to Croatia.

Major Differences Between Thai Women and Croatian Women

Thai women often value modesty and traditional roles within relationships. They may be more reserved initially but are incredibly warm once they get to know you. Croatian women tend to be more direct and independent in their approach to dating.

Popular First Date Activities

  • Dining out at a local Thai restaurant.
  • Visiting a night market.
  • Taking a boat ride on the Chao Phraya River.
  • Exploring cultural sites like temples or museums.
  • Enjoying a coffee at a trendy café.

Red Light Districts

Areas like Patpong, Nana Plaza, and Soi Cowboy in Bangkok are known for their red light districts. While these areas are famous, they may not be suitable for everyone and can be overwhelming.

Prostitution on Dating Apps

Be cautious as some profiles may be fronts for prostitution. Indicators include overly suggestive photos, quick shifts to sexual topics, or requests for money. Always prioritize your safety and well-being.

10 Places to Meet Thai Women Outside of Dating Apps

  1. Cafés: Popular spots like Starbucks or local coffee shops.
  2. Night Markets: Such as Chatuchak Weekend Market.
  3. Shopping Malls: Like Siam Paragon or MBK Center.
  4. Universities: Areas around Chulalongkorn University or Thammasat University.
  5. Cultural Events: Festivals or local fairs.
  6. Fitness Centers: Gyms or yoga studios.
  7. Language Exchange Meetups: Great for meeting locals interested in learning English.
  8. Cooking Classes: Interactive and fun way to meet people.
  9. Volunteer Activities: Engage in community service projects.
  10. Social Clubs: Join expat clubs or local hobby groups.

This guide should help Croatian men navigate the dating scene in Thailand effectively while being respectful of cultural differences.


Practical Guide to Extending a Thai Tourist Visa or Visa Exemption for Croatian Passport Holders

Extending your stay in Thailand as a Croatian passport holder is a straightforward process, whether you initially entered the country on a tourist visa or under the visa exemption scheme. Follow these steps to ensure a smooth extension process:

1. Gather Necessary Documents

Before heading to the immigration office, make sure you have the following documents prepared:

  • Passport: Ensure it’s valid for at least 6 months and has blank pages.
  • TM.7 Application Form: This is the official visa extension form. You can download it online or get it at the immigration office.
  • Passport-Sized Photos: Typically, two recent photos (4x6 cm) are required.
  • Photocopies of Passport Pages: Include the bio-data page, current visa page, and the latest entry stamp page.
  • Proof of Accommodation: A copy of your hotel booking, rental agreement, or a letter from your host.
  • Extension Fee: The standard fee is 1,900 THB, payable in cash.

2. Visit the Immigration Office

Locate the nearest immigration office. Popular offices include:

  • Bangkok: Chaeng Wattana Government Complex
  • Chiang Mai: Promenada Resort Mall
  • Phuket: Phuket Immigration Office

3. Submit Your Application

Upon arrival at the immigration office:

  • Take a queue number and wait for your turn.
  • Submit your completed TM.7 form, along with all required documents and your passport.
  • Pay the extension fee of 1,900 THB.

4. Wait for Processing

Processing times can vary but usually take a few hours. In some cases, you may be asked to return the next day to collect your passport.

5. Collect Your Passport

Once your extension is approved, collect your passport from the immigration office. Verify that the new extension stamp is correct and that it reflects the appropriate extended dates.

Tips for a Smooth Extension Process

  • Dress Appropriately: Wear respectful clothing as a sign of respect to officials.
  • Arrive Early: Immigration offices can be busy, so arriving early can save time.
  • Double-Check Requirements: Requirements may change, so verify details from official sources or contact the immigration office beforehand.

Contact Information

For more information or specific inquiries, you can contact:

  • Thai Immigration Bureau: +66 2 287 3101
  • Website:

By following these steps and ensuring you have all necessary documents prepared, extending your stay in Thailand should be a hassle-free experience. Enjoy your extended time in this beautiful country!

Otkrijte čarobnu Tajland s Thai Kru! Nudimo sve što vam treba za nezaboravno putovanje: pomoć oko viza, upoznavanje bogate kulture, smještaj po mjeri, organizirane izlete i osobne vodiče koji govore hrvatski. Bilo da želite istražiti živopisne ulice Bangkoka ili uživati na rajskim plažama, Thai Kru je vaš pouzdani partner u avanturi. Pustolovina života čeka vas – ajmo, krenimo zajedno u Tajland!