Thailand visa requirements  |  Cyprus

"Απαιτήσεις θεώρησης για την Ταϊλάνδη για Κυπρίους πολίτες."

Updated 1 month ago at Sat, Jun 01, 2024
Visas  |  Requirements  |  Demographics  |  Crime  |  Food  |  Culture  |  Fundamentals  |  Relationships  |  Visa Extension


  Visa Duration

60 Day Visa Exemption is available for Cypriot citizens

30 days Extension

15 Day Visa on Arrival is available for Cypriot citizens

15 days
no Extension

Tourist Visa is Available for Cyprus

60 days
30 days Extension

Destination Thailand Visa is Available for Cyprus

6 months
6 months Extension

Retirement Visa is Available for Cyprus

1 year
1 year Extension

Retirement Visa 10 Year is Available for Cyprus

5 year
5 year Extension

Education Visa is Available for Cyprus

varied Extension

Business/Work Visa is Available for Cyprus

1 year
1 year Extension

Marriage Visa is Available for Cyprus

1 year
1 year Extension

Family Visa is Available for Cyprus

3 Months - 1 Year
varied Extension

Privilege/Elite Visa is Available for Cyprus

5/10/20 years
varied Extension

LTR Visa is Available for Cyprus

5 years
5 years Extension



Population and Size of Country

Thailand, located in Southeast Asia, has a significantly larger population compared to Cyprus. As of the latest data, Thailand’s population is approximately 70 million people. In contrast, Cyprus, an island nation in the Eastern Mediterranean, has a population of about 1.2 million. Thailand covers an area of around 513,120 square kilometers, making it substantially larger than Cyprus, which spans about 9,251 square kilometers.

Ethnicity and Religion

Thailand is predominantly ethnically Thai, with significant minority groups including Chinese, Malay, and various hill tribes. The main religion is Theravada Buddhism, practiced by about 95% of the population. Cyprus, on the other hand, is ethnically divided primarily between Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots. The majority of Greek Cypriots practice Greek Orthodox Christianity, while Turkish Cypriots are predominantly Sunni Muslims.


Thailand has a more diversified and larger economy with a GDP of approximately $543 billion USD. The country’s economy is bolstered by strong sectors like manufacturing, agriculture, and tourism. Cyprus has a smaller economy with a GDP of around $24 billion USD. Its economy is primarily driven by services, particularly tourism, financial services, and shipping.

Population Age Brackets

Thailand has a relatively balanced age distribution but is experiencing an aging population. Approximately 17% of the population is under 15 years old, around 67% are between 15-64 years old, and about 16% are 65 years and older. In Cyprus, around 16% of the population is under 15 years old, about 67% are between 15-64 years old, and roughly 17% are 65 years and older.

Men vs Women

In both countries, the gender distribution is fairly balanced. In Thailand, the ratio is slightly skewed with around 49% men and 51% women. Similarly, Cyprus has a near-equal gender distribution with a slight female majority.

Source of Popular Types of Income

In Thailand, popular sources of income include agriculture (notably rice and rubber), manufacturing (electronics and automobiles), and tourism. The country is also a significant exporter of textiles and seafood. In Cyprus, key income sources are tourism, financial services, real estate, and shipping. The island nation is also known for its production of halloumi cheese and wine.


Violent Crime

Thailand generally has a lower rate of violent crime compared to many Western countries. However, incidents such as muggings and assaults can occur, particularly in tourist areas. It’s advisable to stay vigilant and avoid poorly lit or secluded areas, especially at night.

Casual Crime

Petty crimes like pickpocketing and bag-snatching are more common in crowded places such as markets, public transport, and tourist attractions. Always keep an eye on your belongings and avoid displaying expensive items openly.

Crimes of Passion

Crimes of passion are relatively rare but can happen. These often involve personal disputes and are less likely to affect tourists. Nonetheless, it’s wise to avoid confrontations and be mindful of cultural sensitivities.

Safety for Solo Women Travellers

Thailand is generally safe for solo women travelers, but it’s important to exercise the same caution you would in any foreign country. Avoid accepting drinks from strangers, be cautious when using taxis or ride-sharing services, and consider staying in well-reviewed accommodations.

Walking Around at Night

Walking around at night is generally safe in most tourist areas like Bangkok, Chiang Mai, and Phuket. However, it’s best to stick to well-lit and populated areas. Avoid walking alone in isolated places or unfamiliar neighborhoods.


Scams targeting tourists are common in Thailand. Common scams include overcharging for taxi rides, gem scams, and fake tour operators. Always use reputable services, agree on prices beforehand, and be skeptical of deals that seem too good to be true.

By staying aware and taking standard precautions, travelers from Cyprus can enjoy a safe and memorable trip to Thailand.


Thailand and Cyprus, while geographically distant, share some delightful similarities in their culinary traditions. Both countries place a strong emphasis on fresh ingredients, vibrant flavors, and a balance of tastes. In Cyprus, the use of herbs like mint, parsley, and coriander is common, much like in Thailand where these herbs are staples in many dishes.

Travelers from Cyprus will find familiar elements in Thai cuisine such as the use of rice as a staple food. Just as Cypriots enjoy rice dishes like pilaf, Thai cuisine offers a variety of rice-based meals such as Khao Pad (fried rice) and Khao Niew (sticky rice), often served with savory or sweet accompaniments.

Seafood lovers from Cyprus will appreciate Thailand’s abundant seafood offerings. Similar to Cypriot dishes like grilled octopus or calamari, Thai cuisine features dishes such as Pla Pao (grilled fish) and Goong Ten (dancing shrimp). Both cultures enjoy grilling seafood and pairing it with zesty, herbaceous sauces.

Spice and herbs play crucial roles in both culinary traditions. In Cyprus, dishes like souvlaki and sheftalia are often seasoned with a mix of spices. Similarly, Thai cuisine is renowned for its aromatic curries such as Gaeng Keow Wan (green curry) and Gaeng Massaman (Massaman curry), which are rich in spices and coconut milk.

For those who enjoy the dips and spreads of Cypriot cuisine like tzatziki and hummus, Thailand offers its own array of flavorful condiments. Nam Prik (chili paste) is a versatile Thai dip made from chili peppers, garlic, and shrimp paste, often served with fresh vegetables or sticky rice.

Dessert enthusiasts will find joy in exploring Thai sweets. While Cypriot desserts like baklava and loukoumades use honey and nuts, Thai desserts such as Mango Sticky Rice combine sweet mango with coconut milk-infused sticky rice for a refreshing treat.

Overall, travelers from Cyprus will find both comfort and excitement in the familiar yet distinct flavors of Thai cuisine, making their culinary journey in Thailand both delightful and memorable.


Cultural Differences and Making Friends

Travelers from Cyprus will find that Thai culture places a high value on politeness, respect, and social harmony. While Cypriots are known for their warmth and hospitality, Thais are generally more reserved and indirect in their communication. To make friends in Thailand, it’s essential to be courteous and use the traditional Thai greeting, the “wai,” which involves placing your palms together in a prayer-like gesture and bowing slightly. Smiling is also an important aspect of Thai social interactions; it conveys friendliness and approachability.

What to Do and Not to Do

When visiting Thailand, always show respect for the monarchy. Criticizing the royal family is not only socially unacceptable but also illegal. Dress modestly, especially when visiting temples or religious sites. Women should cover their shoulders and knees, while men should avoid wearing shorts.

Public displays of affection are frowned upon in Thailand. Holding hands is generally acceptable, but anything more intimate should be avoided in public. When eating, use a spoon and fork; the fork is used to push food onto the spoon, which is then brought to the mouth. Avoid pointing your feet at people or religious objects, as feet are considered the lowest and dirtiest part of the body.

Habits Not to Bring from Cyprus to Thailand

Loud talking or arguing in public is considered rude and disruptive. Thais value a calm and composed demeanor. Avoid touching people on the head, as the head is considered the most sacred part of the body. Also, refrain from using your feet to move objects or point at things.

Deportment and Respect

Always remove your shoes before entering someone’s home or a temple. Dress conservatively and appropriately for different occasions. Show respect to elders by lowering your head slightly when passing them or when they are speaking to you. In Thai culture, showing respect is crucial in maintaining social harmony.

Touching and Religious Places

Avoid touching people unnecessarily. Physical contact between the opposite sexes is generally limited, especially in rural areas. When visiting religious places, always dress modestly and behave respectfully. Do not climb on statues or take inappropriate photos.

Public Presentation of Oneself

Thais place a high value on personal appearance and cleanliness. Dress neatly and avoid wearing overly casual clothes in public spaces. Being well-groomed is seen as a sign of respect for oneself and others.

Behavior on Public Transport

On public transport, be mindful of your volume and personal space. Offer your seat to monks, elderly people, and pregnant women. Stand quietly and avoid making loud phone calls or playing music without headphones.

Losing and Gaining Face

In Thai culture, “losing face” refers to being embarrassed or humiliated in public, which can damage one’s social standing. To avoid causing someone to lose face, avoid confrontations and direct criticism. If you need to address an issue, do so privately and tactfully.

Conversely, “gaining face” involves actions that enhance one’s reputation and social standing. Complimenting others, showing respect, and demonstrating competence are ways to gain face in Thai society. Always strive to maintain harmony and avoid actions that could lead to embarrassment for yourself or others.


Bringing Phone from Cyprus
Travellers from Cyprus can bring their phones to Thailand without any issues. Ensure your phone is unlocked so you can use a local SIM card. Most modern smartphones will be compatible with Thai mobile networks.

Internet Availability
Internet is widely available in Thailand, with free Wi-Fi in many hotels, cafes, and restaurants. For more reliable access, consider purchasing a local SIM card with a data plan from providers like AIS, DTAC, or TrueMove H.

Dominant Messaging Apps
LINE is the most popular messaging app in Thailand, followed by Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp. Download LINE before your trip to stay connected with locals and businesses.

Must-Download Apps Before Arrival

  • LINE: For messaging and communication.
  • Google Maps: For navigation.
  • Grab: For taxi and food delivery services.
  • Klook: For booking tours and activities.
  • Eatigo: For restaurant reservations and discounts.

The currency in Thailand is the Thai Baht (THB). You can exchange money at the airport, banks, or authorized money exchange counters. It’s advisable to carry some cash for smaller vendors.

ATMs are widely available throughout Thailand. Most ATMs accept international cards, but be aware of the withdrawal fees. It’s a good idea to inform your bank about your travel plans to avoid any issues with card usage.

Taxi Apps
Grab is the most popular taxi app in Thailand, similar to Uber. It’s highly recommended for safe and reliable transportation. Another option is Bolt, which is gaining popularity.

Food Delivery
For food delivery, GrabFood and Foodpanda are the leading apps. Both offer a wide variety of local and international cuisines delivered right to your doorstep.

Credit Cards
Credit cards are widely accepted in urban areas, particularly in hotels, restaurants, and shopping malls. However, smaller businesses and street vendors may only accept cash. Visa and MasterCard are the most commonly accepted cards.

Thailand offers a fantastic shopping experience, from luxury malls like Siam Paragon and CentralWorld in Bangkok to local markets such as Chatuchak Weekend Market. Bargaining is common in markets but not in malls.

Thailand’s train network is extensive and affordable. The State Railway of Thailand operates routes that connect major cities. For long-distance travel, consider booking a sleeper train for comfort.

Local Buses
Local buses are an economical way to get around cities and towns. In Bangkok, the BTS Skytrain and MRT Subway are efficient options for avoiding traffic. For intercity travel, consider using the government-operated bus services or private companies like Nakhonchai Air and Green Bus.


Acceptance of Men from Cyprus

Thai women generally appreciate men from different cultures, and Cypriot men are no exception. Your Mediterranean charm and friendliness will likely be well-received. However, it’s essential to be respectful and considerate of cultural differences.

Funny Ways to Tell Women You Are from Cyprus

You might say, “I’m from Cyprus, where we have more donkeys than people!” or “In Cyprus, we have beaches like Thailand, but without the spicy food!”

Which Dating Apps to Use

Popular dating apps in Thailand include Tinder, Badoo, and ThaiFriendly. These platforms are widely used and can help you connect with Thai women easily.

Good Opening Lines to Use with Thai Women on the Apps

  1. “Sawadee krub! I’m from Cyprus, ever heard of it?”
  2. “Hi! I’m new to Thailand and looking for someone to show me around. Any suggestions?”
  3. “Hello! Do you like Mediterranean food? I can cook a mean moussaka!”

Teaching Thai Women About Cypriot Culture

Share interesting facts about Cyprus, like its rich history, beautiful beaches, and delicious cuisine. You can also talk about traditional Cypriot festivals and dances to spark interest.

Dressing and Personal Hygiene

Dress neatly and maintain good personal hygiene. Thai women appreciate men who are well-groomed and presentable. Light, breathable clothing is suitable for Thailand’s tropical climate.

Examples of Red Flags You Should Watch For

  • Women asking for money early in the conversation.
  • Inconsistent stories or reluctance to meet in person.
  • Excessive flattery that seems insincere.

Examples of Scams on Dating Apps

  • “Love scams” where women profess love quickly and ask for financial help.
  • Fake profiles using stolen photos.
  • Requests for money for emergencies or travel expenses.

Major Difference in Dating Between Cyprus and Thailand

In Thailand, dating can be more conservative, with an emphasis on getting to know each other’s families. Public displays of affection are less common compared to Cyprus.

Major Differences Between Thai Women and Cypriot Women

Thai women may be more reserved initially and value politeness and respect. They also place a high importance on family and social harmony. Cypriot women might be more direct and open in their communication.

Popular First Date Activities

  • Visiting a local market or night market.
  • Enjoying a meal at a Thai restaurant.
  • Exploring temples or cultural sites.
  • Taking a river cruise or visiting a nearby beach.

Red Light Districts

Areas like Patpong in Bangkok, Walking Street in Pattaya, and Bangla Road in Phuket are known red light districts. Be cautious and aware of the implications if you choose to visit these areas.

Prostitution on Dating Apps

Some profiles on dating apps may be linked to prostitution. Be wary of profiles that seem overly suggestive or ask for money in exchange for meeting up.

10 Places to Meet Thai Women Outside of Dating Apps

  1. Cafes and Coffee Shops: Popular hangouts for young professionals.
  2. Shopping Malls: CentralWorld, Siam Paragon in Bangkok.
  3. Universities: Attend public events or lectures.
  4. Language Exchange Meetups: Great way to meet locals interested in learning English.
  5. Fitness Centers/Gyms: Join a local gym or yoga class.
  6. Cultural Events: Festivals, concerts, or exhibitions.
  7. Cooking Classes: Learn Thai cuisine together.
  8. Volunteer Activities: Join community service projects.
  9. Parks: Lumpini Park in Bangkok is a popular spot.
  10. Night Markets: Chatuchak Weekend Market or Rot Fai Market.

Feel free to explore these opportunities while maintaining respect for cultural norms and individual boundaries.


Practical Guide to Extending a Thai Tourist Visa or Visa Exemption for Cypriot Passport Holders

Extending your stay in Thailand as a Cypriot passport holder involves a straightforward process. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you through it:

1. Prepare Required Documents

  • Passport: Ensure it is valid for at least 6 months beyond your intended stay.
  • TM.7 Form: This is the application form for visa extension. You can download it from the Thai Immigration Bureau website or get it at the immigration office.
  • Passport Photos: Two recent passport-sized photos (4x6 cm).
  • Application Fee: The fee is typically 1,900 THB, payable in cash.
  • Proof of Accommodation: Hotel booking or a letter from your host if staying with friends or family.
  • Proof of Financial Means: Bank statements or cash equivalent to 20,000 THB for individuals or 40,000 THB for families.

2. Visit the Immigration Office

  • Locate the nearest immigration office. Major offices are in Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Phuket, and Pattaya.
  • It’s advisable to arrive early to avoid long queues.

3. Submit Your Application

  • Fill out the TM.7 form accurately.
  • Submit the form along with your passport, photos, and supporting documents to the immigration officer.
  • Pay the application fee.

4. Interview (if required)

  • Occasionally, an interview may be conducted to understand the purpose of your extended stay.
  • Be prepared to answer questions regarding your travel plans and financial stability.

5. Wait for Processing

  • Processing times can vary but typically take a few hours to a day.
  • You may be asked to wait or return later to collect your passport.

6. Collect Your Passport

  • Once approved, you will receive your passport with an extension stamp.
  • Verify that the extension date is correct before leaving the office.


  • Timing: Apply for an extension at least a week before your current visa or exemption period expires to allow ample processing time.
  • Multiple Extensions: Generally, you can extend your stay once per entry. For further extensions, you may need to leave and re-enter Thailand or apply for a different visa type.
  • Dress Code: Dress neatly and respectfully when visiting the immigration office.

By following these steps, Cypriot passport holders can efficiently extend their stay in Thailand and enjoy more time exploring this beautiful country.

Έλα στην Thai Kru, το απόλυτο ταξιδιωτικό σου πρακτορείο για αξέχαστες εμπειρίες στην Ταϊλάνδη! Από βίζες μέχρι καλτσούρα και διαμονή, εμείς έχουμε τη λύση. Με προσωπικούς ξεναγούς και υπηρεσίες μετάφρασης, η Thai Kru σου υπόσχεται μια ανέμελη και συναρπαστική περιπέτεια. Κανόνισε το ταξίδι σου με εμάς και ζήσε τη μαγεία της Ταϊλάνδης σαν ντόπιος! Για τους Κύπριους που θέλουν να γνωρίσουν την αυθεντική Ταϊλάνδη, είμαστε εδώ για να σε κάνουμε να νιώθεις σαν σπίτι σου. Κάμν' το με Thai Kru!