Thailand visa requirements  |  Hong Kong


Updated 1 month ago at Sat, Jun 01, 2024
Visas  |  Requirements  |  Demographics  |  Crime  |  Food  |  Culture  |  Fundamentals  |  Relationships  |  Visa Extension


  Visa Duration

60 Day Visa Exemption is available for Hong Kongese citizens

30 days Extension

15 Day Visa on Arrival is NOT available for Hong Kongese citizens

15 days
no Extension

Tourist Visa is Available for Hong Kong

60 days
30 days Extension

Destination Thailand Visa is Available for Hong Kong

6 months
6 months Extension

Retirement Visa is Available for Hong Kong

1 year
1 year Extension

Retirement Visa 10 Year is Available for Hong Kong

5 year
5 year Extension

Education Visa is Available for Hong Kong

varied Extension

Business/Work Visa is Available for Hong Kong

1 year
1 year Extension

Marriage Visa is Available for Hong Kong

1 year
1 year Extension

Family Visa is Available for Hong Kong

3 Months - 1 Year
varied Extension

Privilege/Elite Visa is Available for Hong Kong

5/10/20 years
varied Extension

LTR Visa is Available for Hong Kong

5 years
5 years Extension



Population and Size of Country

Thailand has a significantly larger population compared to Hong Kong. As of recent estimates, Thailand’s population is around 70 million, while Hong Kong’s population is approximately 7.5 million. In terms of land area, Thailand is much larger, covering about 513,120 square kilometers, whereas Hong Kong encompasses only 1,104 square kilometers.


Thailand is predominantly ethnically Thai, with over 90% of the population identifying as such. There are also minority groups including Chinese, Malay, and various hill tribes. Hong Kong, on the other hand, is more ethnically diverse but still has a majority Chinese population (about 92%). Other ethnic groups include Filipinos, Indonesians, and South Asians.


In Thailand, Buddhism is the dominant religion, practiced by around 95% of the population. There are also small communities of Muslims, Christians, and Hindus. In contrast, Hong Kong has a more diverse religious landscape. While Buddhism and Taoism are prevalent, there is also a significant number of Christians and followers of other religions such as Islam and Hinduism.


Thailand’s GDP is larger than that of Hong Kong in absolute terms. As of the latest data, Thailand’s GDP is approximately $543 billion USD. Hong Kong’s GDP is around $368 billion USD. However, Hong Kong has a higher GDP per capita due to its smaller population and highly developed economy.

Population Age Brackets

Thailand has a relatively aging population with a median age of around 40 years. A significant portion of the population is in the working-age bracket (15-64 years), but there is an increasing number of elderly citizens (65+ years). Hong Kong also faces an aging population challenge with a median age of about 45 years. The working-age population is substantial but the proportion of elderly residents is growing rapidly.

Men vs Women

In both Thailand and Hong Kong, the gender ratio is relatively balanced. Thailand has a slight majority of women over men, with about 51% female and 49% male. Hong Kong also has a slightly higher number of women than men, particularly in older age brackets due to higher life expectancy among women.

Source of Popular Types of Income

Thailand’s economy is diverse with major income sources including tourism, agriculture (notably rice and rubber), manufacturing (especially automotive and electronics), and services. Tourism alone contributes significantly to Thailand’s GDP.

Hong Kong’s economy is heavily service-oriented with finance and banking being the most prominent sectors. Other important sources of income include trade and logistics, professional services, and tourism. The financial sector in Hong Kong is one of the most advanced in the world, contributing a substantial portion to its GDP.


Violent Crime

Thailand generally has a lower rate of violent crime compared to many Western countries. However, it is higher than in Hong Kong. Tourists are rarely the target of violent crime, but it’s wise to stay vigilant, particularly in less crowded areas or late at night.

Casual Crime

Petty crimes such as pickpocketing and bag snatching are more common in Thailand than in Hong Kong. These incidents often occur in crowded markets, tourist hotspots, and on public transportation. Always keep your belongings secure and avoid displaying valuable items openly.

Crimes of Passion

Crimes of passion, often involving domestic disputes, do occur but are usually confined to local residents and rarely impact tourists. Nonetheless, it’s best to steer clear of any confrontations or heated arguments in public places.

Safety for Solo Women Travellers

Thailand is generally safe for solo women travelers, but it’s advisable to take certain precautions. Dress modestly, especially when visiting temples or rural areas. Avoid walking alone in poorly lit or secluded areas at night. Trust your instincts and use reputable transportation options like registered taxis or ride-hailing apps.

Walking around at Night

Walking around at night in tourist areas like Bangkok, Chiang Mai, or Phuket is generally safe but requires caution. Stick to well-lit, busy streets and avoid shortcuts through alleys or deserted areas. In comparison, Hong Kong is generally safer for nighttime walking due to its extensive surveillance and efficient policing.


Scams targeting tourists are more prevalent in Thailand than in Hong Kong. Common scams include inflated prices for tuk-tuk rides, gem scams, and fake tour operators. Always verify services through trusted sources and be wary of deals that seem too good to be true. Using apps for rides and booking tours through reputable agencies can mitigate these risks.

By staying aware and taking sensible precautions, travelers can enjoy a safe and enriching experience in Thailand.


Thailand and Hong Kong share a rich culinary heritage that emphasizes fresh ingredients, bold flavors, and a balance of sweet, sour, salty, and spicy elements. Both cuisines often feature rice or noodles as staples and make extensive use of seafood, pork, chicken, and fresh vegetables. Street food culture is vibrant in both destinations, offering a plethora of affordable and delicious options.

In Thailand, travelers from Hong Kong will find familiar dishes like stir-fried noodles and rice dishes. For instance, Pad Thai is somewhat akin to Hong Kong’s stir-fried noodles but with a distinctive Thai twist through the use of tamarind paste, fish sauce, and crushed peanuts. Similarly, Khao Pad (Thai Fried Rice) shares similarities with Hong Kong-style fried rice but often includes unique Thai ingredients like fish sauce and lime.

For those who enjoy the bold flavors of Hong Kong’s spicy dishes, Thai cuisine offers a variety of spicy curries and soups. Tom Yum Goong (Spicy Shrimp Soup) is a must-try, offering a harmonious blend of hot and sour flavors with lemongrass, kaffir lime leaves, galangal, and fresh shrimp. Green Curry (Gaeng Keow Wan) provides a creamy yet spicy experience with its coconut milk base, green chilies, and a choice of meat or tofu.

Dim sum lovers from Hong Kong will appreciate the Thai equivalent in the form of Khanom Jeen, a type of fermented rice noodle served with various curries and toppings. Additionally, Thai street food markets offer a variety of skewered meats and seafood that resemble Hong Kong’s street food stalls. Moo Ping (Grilled Pork Skewers) and Gai Yang (Grilled Chicken) are popular choices that provide a savory and aromatic experience.

For dessert enthusiasts, Thailand offers sweet treats that may remind travelers of Hong Kong’s desserts. Mango Sticky Rice (Khao Niew Mamuang) combines sticky rice cooked in coconut milk with ripe mango slices, somewhat similar to the texture-rich desserts found in Hong Kong. Additionally, Thai Roti—a thin, crispy pancake often topped with condensed milk and banana—can be compared to the sweet snacks found in Hong Kong’s night markets.

In summary, while exploring Thailand, travelers from Hong Kong will find both familiar flavors and exciting new dishes to try, making the culinary journey both comforting and adventurous.


Making Friends in Thailand

In Thailand, friendships often begin with a warm smile and a friendly demeanor. Thais value politeness and humility. When meeting someone for the first time, a traditional Thai greeting called the “wai” is customary. This involves placing your palms together in a prayer-like gesture and bowing slightly. It’s important to note that Thais are generally non-confrontational and prefer to avoid direct conflict, so maintaining a calm and respectful tone is crucial.

Do’s and Don’ts


  • Respect Elders: Show respect to older individuals by addressing them with polite language and offering them the first opportunity in social settings.
  • Dress Modestly: Especially when visiting temples or religious sites, ensure your shoulders and knees are covered.
  • Use Both Hands: When giving or receiving something from someone, use both hands as a sign of respect.


  • Avoid Public Displays of Affection: Thais are conservative about physical displays of affection in public.
  • Don’t Touch the Head: The head is considered the most sacred part of the body, so avoid touching anyone’s head, even children.
  • Don’t Point Feet: Feet are considered the lowest part of the body, so avoid pointing them at people or religious objects.

Habits Not to Bring from Hong Kong to Thailand

Loud Conversations: Thais generally speak in softer tones. Speaking loudly can be perceived as aggressive or disrespectful.

Impatience: Thais value a relaxed and patient attitude. Being overly impatient or rushing someone can be seen as rude.

Direct Criticism: Thais avoid direct criticism or confrontation. If you need to address an issue, do so in a gentle and indirect manner.

Deportment and Respect

Touching: Physical contact should be minimal. Handshakes are less common than in Western cultures, and the “wai” is preferred for greetings.

Religious Places: Always remove your shoes before entering temples. Dress modestly and behave respectfully. Avoid pointing your feet towards Buddha statues or monks.

Public Presentation: Thais appreciate clean and neat appearances. Dress appropriately for different settings, and avoid overly casual attire in formal or religious contexts.

Behavior on Public Transport

On public transport, maintain a quiet demeanor. Give up your seat for monks, elderly, pregnant women, and people with disabilities. Avoid blocking aisles and always allow passengers to exit before boarding.

Losing and Gaining Face in Thai Culture

In Thai culture, “face” refers to one’s reputation, dignity, and social standing. Losing face can occur through public embarrassment, harsh criticism, or failure to meet social expectations. To avoid causing someone to lose face, refrain from public criticism or confrontation. Gaining face involves showing respect, being polite, and demonstrating competence and generosity. Complimenting others and acknowledging their achievements can help both parties gain face in social interactions.


Bringing Phone from Hong Kong Travelers from Hong Kong can bring their phones to Thailand without any issues. Ensure your phone is unlocked for use with local SIM cards. Check with your Hong Kong carrier if any international roaming plans are available, but using a local SIM is generally more cost-effective.

Internet Availability Thailand has extensive internet coverage, including 4G and emerging 5G networks. Free Wi-Fi is available in many hotels, restaurants, and cafes. SIM cards with data plans are readily available at the airport, convenience stores like 7-Eleven, and mobile provider stores.

Dominant Messaging Apps LINE is the most popular messaging app in Thailand, widely used for personal and business communication. WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger are also commonly used.

Must-Download Apps Before Arrival

  1. LINE – For messaging and communication.
  2. Grab – For taxi services and food delivery.
  3. Google Maps – For navigation.
  4. Airbnb or Agoda – For accommodation bookings.
  5. Thai Language App – For basic translations and phrases.

Currency The local currency is the Thai Baht (THB). It’s advisable to exchange some money before arriving or at the airport. Currency exchange booths are plentiful in tourist areas.

ATM Use ATMs are widely available throughout Thailand. Most accept international cards but may charge a fee (typically around 200 THB per transaction). Notify your bank before traveling to avoid any issues with card use.

Taxi Apps Grab is the primary app for booking taxis in Thailand. It’s reliable and provides upfront pricing. Another option is Bolt, which operates in major cities.

Food Delivery GrabFood and Foodpanda are the leading food delivery apps, offering a wide range of local and international cuisine options.

Credit Cards Credit cards are widely accepted in hotels, larger restaurants, and shopping malls. However, smaller vendors, street food stalls, and markets may only accept cash. Visa and MasterCard are most commonly accepted.

Shopping Thailand offers a variety of shopping experiences from high-end malls like Siam Paragon and CentralWorld to local markets such as Chatuchak Weekend Market and floating markets. Bargaining is common in markets but not in malls.

Trains The State Railway of Thailand operates an extensive rail network connecting major cities and regions. The BTS Skytrain and MRT Subway in Bangkok are efficient for city travel. Tickets can be purchased at stations or online.

Local Buses Local buses are an affordable way to travel but can be confusing for first-time visitors due to language barriers and irregular schedules. The BMTA operates buses in Bangkok, while other cities have their own local services.


Acceptance of Men from Hong Kong

Thai women generally view men from Hong Kong positively, often associating them with good manners, a strong work ethic, and a stable financial background. While cultural differences exist, they are usually seen as intriguing rather than off-putting.

Funny Ways to Tell Women You Are from Hong Kong

Use humor to break the ice. You could say something like, “I’m from the land of skyscrapers and dim sum!” or “I come from the city where we have more malls than people!” These light-hearted comments can make the conversation more engaging.

Which Dating Apps to Use

Popular dating apps in Thailand include Tinder, Bumble, and ThaiCupid. These platforms have a large user base and are widely accepted for both casual and serious relationships.

Good Opening Lines to Use with Thai Women on the Apps

  • “Hi! I’m visiting from Hong Kong and would love to know more about Thai culture. Any tips?”
  • “Sawadee krub! (Hello in Thai) I’m from Hong Kong. What’s your favorite thing about living in Thailand?”
  • “I heard Thai food is amazing! Any must-try dishes?”

Teaching Thai Women About Hong Kongese Culture

Share interesting aspects of Hong Kong culture, such as its vibrant food scene, festivals like Chinese New Year, and iconic landmarks like Victoria Harbour. You could also talk about the blend of Eastern and Western cultures that makes Hong Kong unique.

Dressing and Personal Hygiene

Dress smartly but comfortably. Casual yet neat attire is generally well-received. Pay attention to personal hygiene; fresh breath, clean clothes, and a pleasant fragrance go a long way in making a good impression.

Examples of Red Flags You Should Watch For

  • Excessive focus on your financial status
  • Reluctance to meet in public places
  • Inconsistent stories or evasive answers about personal life
  • Overly quick declarations of love or affection

Examples of Scams on Dating Apps

  • Requests for money due to sudden emergencies
  • Fake profiles using stolen photos
  • Invitations to click on suspicious links
  • Claims of being stuck in another country and needing financial help to return

Major Difference in Dating Between Hong Kong and Thailand

In Thailand, dating can be more relaxed and less formal compared to Hong Kong. Public displays of affection are generally more accepted in Thailand, but always be respectful of local customs and traditions.

Major Differences Between Thai Women and Hong Kongese Women

Thai women may place a higher emphasis on family and traditional roles compared to their Hong Kongese counterparts. They might also be more open to casual dating initially, whereas relationships in Hong Kong often start with a clear intention for long-term commitment.

Popular First Date Activities

  • Visiting a night market
  • Exploring a temple or cultural site
  • Enjoying street food together
  • Taking a cooking class
  • Going for a scenic walk or boat ride

Red Light Districts

Bangkok’s Patpong, Nana Plaza, and Soi Cowboy are well-known red-light districts. Pattaya also has Walking Street. Be cautious if you decide to visit these areas, as they are not reflective of mainstream Thai culture.

Prostitution on Dating Apps

While most users are genuine, some profiles may be linked to prostitution. Be wary if someone quickly brings up financial transactions or suggests meeting in secluded places.

10 Places to Meet Thai Women Outside of Dating Apps

  1. Cafés - Popular spots like Starbucks or local coffee shops.
  2. Night Markets - Chatuchak Weekend Market or Talad Rot Fai.
  3. Gyms - Fitness centers like Fitness First.
  4. Universities - Areas around Chulalongkorn University or Thammasat University.
  5. Shopping Malls - Siam Paragon, CentralWorld.
  6. Parks - Lumpini Park or Benjakitti Park.
  7. Language Exchange Events - Often held at community centers or cafés.
  8. Cultural Festivals - Songkran (Thai New Year) or Loy Krathong Festival.
  9. Cooking Classes - Many culinary schools offer classes.
  10. Volunteer Activities - Join local NGOs or community service groups.

By keeping these tips in mind, you can navigate the dating scene in Thailand with confidence and respect for the local culture.


Practical Guide to Extending a Thai Tourist Visa or Visa Exemption for Hong Kongese Passport Holders

Extending your stay in Thailand as a Hong Kongese passport holder is a straightforward process, but it requires careful attention to detail. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you through the extension process.

Step 1: Gather Required Documents

  1. Passport: Ensure your passport is valid for at least 6 months from the date of extension.
  2. TM.7 Form: This is the application form for extension of stay. It can be downloaded online or obtained at the Immigration Office.
  3. Photograph: One recent passport-sized photo (4 x 6 cm).
  4. TM.6 Departure Card: This is the card you received when you entered Thailand.
  5. Proof of Accommodation: A copy of your hotel booking or a letter from your host if staying with friends or family.
  6. Proof of Financial Means: Bank statement or cash equivalent to at least 20,000 THB per person or 40,000 THB per family.
  7. Extension Fee: 1,900 THB in cash.

Step 2: Visit the Immigration Office

Locate the nearest Immigration Office. Major offices can be found in Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Phuket, Pattaya, and other major cities.

Step 3: Submit Your Application

  1. Arrival: Arrive early to avoid long queues.
  2. Queue Number: Obtain a queue number from the information counter.
  3. Document Submission: When your number is called, submit all required documents to the immigration officer.
  4. Interview: The officer may ask a few questions regarding your stay and your reasons for extension.

Step 4: Pay the Fee

Pay the extension fee of 1,900 THB in cash. Ensure you get a receipt for your payment.

Step 5: Wait for Processing

Processing time can vary but usually takes a few hours. You may be asked to wait at the office or return later in the day.

Step 6: Collect Your Passport

Once your extension is approved, you will be called to collect your passport with the new visa stamp indicating your extended stay period.

Important Tips

  • Dress Appropriately: Wear modest clothing as a sign of respect.
  • Language: Basic English is usually sufficient, but having a Thai-speaking friend can be helpful.
  • Photocopies: Bring extra photocopies of all your documents to avoid any inconvenience.
  • Check Office Hours: Immigration Offices are typically open from Monday to Friday, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, but it’s best to check specific office hours in advance.

By following these steps, you can efficiently extend your stay in Thailand and continue enjoying your travels without any legal complications. Safe travels!

探索泰國的奇幻之旅,就讓「Thai Kru」帶你飛!專為香港人設計,無論係簽證、文化啟蒙、住宿、導遊或者翻譯服務,我哋一應俱全,保證你輕鬆玩轉泰國!由曼谷市區到清邁古城,由普吉島沙灘到象島潛水,「Thai Kru」都係你嘅最佳夥伴。唔使擔心語言同文化障礙,我哋嘅親切導遊會用廣東話同你溝通,確保你有個無憂嘅泰國之旅。快啲聯絡我哋,開始你嘅泰式冒險啦!