Thailand visa requirements  |  Kiribati

Thailand Visa Requirements for I-Kiribati Citizens.

Updated 1 month ago at Sat, Jun 01, 2024
Visas  |  Requirements  |  Demographics  |  Crime  |  Food  |  Culture  |  Fundamentals  |  Relationships  |  Visa Extension


  Visa Duration

60 Day Visa Exemption is NOT available for I-Kiribati citizens

30 days Extension

15 Day Visa on Arrival is NOT available for I-Kiribati citizens

15 days
no Extension

Tourist Visa is Available for Kiribati

60 days
30 days Extension

Destination Thailand Visa is Available for Kiribati

6 months
6 months Extension

Retirement Visa is Available for Kiribati

1 year
1 year Extension

Retirement Visa 10 Year is Available for Kiribati

5 year
5 year Extension

Education Visa is Available for Kiribati

varied Extension

Business/Work Visa is Available for Kiribati

1 year
1 year Extension

Marriage Visa is Available for Kiribati

1 year
1 year Extension

Family Visa is Available for Kiribati

3 Months - 1 Year
varied Extension

Privilege/Elite Visa is Available for Kiribati

5/10/20 years
varied Extension

LTR Visa is Available for Kiribati

5 years
5 years Extension



Population and Size of Country

Thailand has a significantly larger population compared to Kiribati. As of recent estimates, Thailandā€™s population is around 70 million people, whereas Kiribati has a population of approximately 120,000. In terms of land area, Thailand spans about 513,120 square kilometers, making it much larger than Kiribati, which covers only around 811 square kilometers.


Thailand is predominantly ethnically Thai, with over 90% of the population identifying as such. There are also minority groups including Chinese, Malay, and various hill tribes. In contrast, Kiribatiā€™s population is primarily of Micronesian descent, with very little ethnic diversity.


The dominant religion in Thailand is Buddhism, practiced by about 95% of the population. There are also small communities of Muslims, Christians, and other religious groups. Kiribati predominantly follows Christianity, with Roman Catholicism and Protestantism being the major denominations.


Thailand has a significantly higher GDP compared to Kiribati. Thailandā€™s GDP is over $500 billion USD, reflecting its more developed and diverse economy. Kiribatiā€™s GDP is much smaller, around $200 million USD, indicative of its limited economic activities and reliance on external aid.

Population Age Brackets

Thailand has an aging population with a median age of around 40 years. A significant portion of the population is between the ages of 25-54. Kiribati has a much younger population with a median age of about 23 years, and a larger proportion of its population is under the age of 15.

Men vs Women

In both countries, the gender ratio is relatively balanced. However, Thailand has a slightly higher number of women compared to men, while Kiribati also maintains a fairly even distribution between the genders.

Source of Popular Types of Income

Thailandā€™s economy is diverse, with significant income coming from manufacturing, tourism, agriculture, and services. It is one of the worldā€™s largest producers of rice and a major exporter of electronics and automobiles. Kiribatiā€™s economy is less diverse and relies heavily on fishing, remittances from overseas workers, and international aid. The country also earns income through the leasing of its extensive maritime territory for fishing rights.


Violent Crime

Thailand generally has a lower rate of violent crime compared to many Western countries. However, incidents such as muggings and armed robbery do occur, particularly in urban areas like Bangkok and Pattaya. It is advisable to stay vigilant, especially in crowded places and at night.

Casual Crime

Petty crimes like pickpocketing and bag snatching are more common in tourist hotspots. Keep your belongings secure and avoid displaying valuable items openly. Use hotel safes for storing passports, extra cash, and other valuables.

Crimes of Passion

Crimes of passion, often involving jealousy or personal disputes, do happen but are usually confined to local communities rather than affecting tourists. These incidents are relatively rare and typically do not pose a significant risk to visitors.

Safety for Solo Women Travellers

Thailand is generally safe for solo women travelers. However, it is wise to exercise caution, especially when traveling alone at night or in less populated areas. Stick to well-lit, busy streets and avoid accepting drinks from strangers. Many female travelers report positive experiences but staying aware of your surroundings is crucial.

Walking Around at Night

Walking around at night in Thailand can be safe in well-populated and tourist-friendly areas. However, itā€™s best to avoid poorly lit or secluded areas after dark. Use reputable transportation options like registered taxis or ride-hailing apps if you need to travel late at night.


Scamming is a notable issue in Thailand, particularly targeting tourists. Common scams include overcharging for goods or services, gem scams, and taxi drivers taking longer routes. Always agree on prices beforehand, use metered taxis, and be cautious of overly friendly strangers offering unsolicited help or deals that seem too good to be true.

By staying informed and taking basic precautions, travelers from Kiribati can enjoy a safe and pleasant visit to Thailand.


Travelers from Kiribati to Thailand will find some fascinating similarities and delicious new experiences in the realm of food. Both Thai and I-Kiribati cuisines emphasize fresh ingredients and vibrant flavors, although the specific dishes and preparation methods differ.

In Kiribati, seafood is a staple due to the island nationā€™s proximity to the ocean, and this is also true in Thailand, especially in coastal regions and islands. Thai cuisine features a wide array of seafood dishes such as ā€œTom Yum Goongā€ (spicy shrimp soup), ā€œPla Rad Prikā€ (fried fish with chili sauce), and ā€œHoi Todā€ (crispy mussel pancake). These dishes highlight the freshness of the seafood, often combined with bold flavors like lemongrass, lime, and chili.

Coconut is another common ingredient in both cuisines. In Kiribati, coconut is used in various forms, from coconut milk to grated coconut in desserts. Similarly, Thai food frequently incorporates coconut milk in savory dishes like ā€œGreen Curryā€ (Gaeng Keow Wan) and ā€œMassaman Curry,ā€ as well as in sweets such as ā€œKhanom Krokā€ (coconut rice pancakes) and ā€œSang Kaya Fug Tongā€ (pumpkin custard).

Rice is a dietary cornerstone in both cultures. While Kiribati often pairs rice with fish or other seafood, Thai cuisine offers a broader spectrum of rice-based dishes. Travelers should try ā€œKhao Padā€ (fried rice), ā€œKhao Soiā€ (curry noodle soup), and the famous ā€œPad Thaiā€ (stir-fried rice noodles). Sticky rice is also a key component of Thai desserts like ā€œMango Sticky Riceā€ (Khao Niew Mamuang).

For those interested in trying new flavors, Thai street food provides an array of options that are both affordable and delicious. Popular choices include ā€œSom Tumā€ (green papaya salad), ā€œSatayā€ (grilled meat skewers), and ā€œRotiā€ (Thai-style pancakes). These dishes offer a mix of sweet, spicy, sour, and savory tastes that are characteristic of Thai cuisine.

Exploring Thai food offers travelers from Kiribati an opportunity to enjoy familiar ingredients prepared in new and exciting ways while also discovering unique dishes that reflect Thailandā€™s rich culinary heritage.


Travelers from Kiribati visiting Thailand will encounter a rich tapestry of cultural differences. To navigate these successfully and make friends, itā€™s important to understand and respect Thai customs.

Making Friends

Thais are generally warm and welcoming. A friendly smile goes a long way. When greeting someone, a traditional ā€œwaiā€ (a slight bow with palms pressed together) is appreciated, especially when meeting elders or those in respected positions. Avoid overly casual greetings like high-fives or back-slapping, which may be seen as disrespectful.

What to Do

  • Respect for the Monarchy: The Thai monarchy is deeply revered. Always show utmost respect when discussing the royal family or when in the presence of images of the King.
  • Dress Modestly: When visiting temples or religious sites, wear clothing that covers your shoulders and knees. Remove shoes before entering homes or sacred places.
  • Public Transport Etiquette: On public transport, offer your seat to monks, elderly people, and pregnant women. Keep conversations quiet and avoid loud or disruptive behavior.

What Not to Do

  • Do Not Touch Peopleā€™s Heads: The head is considered the most sacred part of the body in Thai culture. Avoid touching anyoneā€™s head, including children.
  • Avoid Pointing Feet: Feet are considered the lowest part of the body and pointing them at people or religious objects is seen as very disrespectful.
  • Public Displays of Affection: While holding hands is generally acceptable, more intimate gestures like kissing are frowned upon in public spaces.

Habits Not to Bring from Kiribati

  • Casual Dress in Formal Settings: While casual attire might be common in Kiribati, in Thailand, it is important to dress appropriately for different settings, particularly religious and formal environments.
  • Direct Confrontation: Thais value harmony and may find direct confrontation or outspoken criticism offensive. Instead, approach conflicts with a calm and polite demeanor.

Deportment and Respect

  • Politeness: Use polite language and gestures. Adding ā€œkrubā€ (for men) or ā€œkaā€ (for women) at the end of sentences shows respect.
  • Body Language: Maintain a calm and composed demeanor. Avoid aggressive gestures or loud speech.


Touching is generally reserved for close friends and family. In public, keep physical interactions minimal to respect personal space.

Religious Places

When visiting temples, dress conservatively and behave respectfully. Do not climb on statues or take inappropriate photos. Always remove your shoes before entering temple buildings.

Public Presentation of Oneself

Present yourself neatly and modestly. Personal grooming is important in Thai culture, and looking presentable is seen as a sign of respect to others.

Behavior on Public Transport

Be courteous and mindful of others. Keep noise levels low and avoid blocking walkways. Offer your seat to those who may need it more.

Losing and Gaining Face

In Thai culture, ā€œlosing faceā€ refers to being embarrassed or humiliated publicly, which is highly undesirable. Avoid causing someone to lose face by criticizing or reprimanding them openly. Conversely, ā€œgaining faceā€ involves actions that increase oneā€™s dignity and respect within the community. Complimenting someone in public or showing respect to elders can help you gain face.

By understanding these cultural nuances, travelers from Kiribati can enjoy a respectful and enriching experience in Thailand.


Bringing Phone from Kiribati

Ensure your phone is unlocked before arriving in Thailand to use a local SIM card. Most modern smartphones should work fine with Thai networks, but double-check if your phone supports GSM 900 and 1800 MHz bands.

Internet Availability

Thailand has extensive 4G coverage, and 5G is available in major cities. You can purchase a local SIM card from providers like AIS, DTAC, or TrueMove H at the airport or numerous retail stores. SIM cards often come with affordable data packages.

Dominant Messaging Apps

LINE is the most popular messaging app in Thailand. WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger are also widely used, but having LINE will make it easier to communicate with locals.

Must-Download Apps Before Arrival

  • LINE: For messaging and communication.
  • Google Maps: For navigation.
  • Grab: For taxis and food delivery.
  • Klook: For booking tours and activities.
  • XE Currency: For currency conversion.


The currency in Thailand is the Thai Baht (THB). It is advisable to exchange some money before your trip or upon arrival at the airport.


ATMs are widely available, but be aware of withdrawal fees. Most ATMs charge a fee of around 200 THB per transaction for foreign cards. Consider withdrawing larger amounts to minimize fees.

Taxi Apps

Grab is the most reliable taxi app in Thailand. It offers various services, from standard taxis to private cars. Be sure to have the app installed before your arrival.

Food Delivery

GrabFood and Foodpanda are the go-to apps for food delivery in Thailand. Both offer a wide range of options from local street food to international cuisine.

Credit Cards

Credit cards are widely accepted in hotels, shopping malls, and larger restaurants. However, smaller vendors and street markets may only accept cash. Always carry some cash for such instances.


Thailand offers diverse shopping experiences from high-end malls like Siam Paragon in Bangkok to local markets like Chatuchak Weekend Market. Bargaining is common in markets but not in malls.


Thailand has an extensive train network operated by the State Railway of Thailand (SRT). The BTS Skytrain and MRT Subway are convenient for getting around Bangkok. Tickets can be purchased at stations or via apps like Rabbit LINE Pay for BTS.

Local Buses

Local buses are a cost-effective way to travel but can be confusing due to the lack of English signs. The BMTA (Bangkok Mass Transit Authority) operates buses in Bangkok. Google Maps provides route information for buses in major cities.


Acceptance of Men from Kiribati

Thai people are generally warm and welcoming to foreigners, including men from Kiribati. However, due to the relative obscurity of Kiribati, you may need to explain where youā€™re from. This can be a great conversation starter and a way to share your unique background.

Funny Ways to Tell Women You Are from Kiribati

You can use humor to break the ice. For example, you could say, ā€œIā€™m from Kiribati, a place so small that if you blink, youā€™ll miss it on the map!ā€ This can make your introduction memorable and light-hearted.

Which Dating Apps to Use

Popular dating apps in Thailand include Tinder, Badoo, and ThaiCupid. These platforms have a large user base and are widely accepted for both casual and serious relationships.

Good Opening Lines to Use with Thai Women on the Apps

  • ā€œSawasdee krub! Iā€™m [Your Name] from Kiribati. Have you ever heard of it?ā€
  • ā€œHi! I just moved from a tiny island called Kiribati. Whatā€™s your favorite place in Thailand?ā€
  • ā€œHello! Iā€™m new here and from Kiribati. Any tips for a newbie in Thailand?ā€

Teaching Thai Women About I-Kiribati Culture

Share interesting facts about your culture, such as traditional dances, food, and customs. You can also show photos or videos of Kiribati to make your explanations more engaging.

Dressing and Personal Hygiene

Thai women appreciate men who dress well and maintain good personal hygiene. Opt for clean, casual attire that is appropriate for the occasion. Avoid wearing overly revealing or sloppy clothing.

Examples of Red Flags You Should Watch For

  • If she asks for money early in the relationship.
  • If her stories frequently change or donā€™t add up.
  • If she avoids meeting in person after prolonged online chatting.

Examples of Scams on Dating Apps

  • ā€œLove scamsā€ where someone professes love quickly and then asks for financial help.
  • Fake profiles that lure you into giving personal information.
  • People who ask you to invest in dubious business schemes.

Major Difference in Dating Between Kiribati and Thailand

In Thailand, dating often involves public outings and spending time with friends and family. In contrast, dating in Kiribati might be more private and community-centered.

Major Differences Between Thai Women and I-Kiribati Women

Thai women may be more influenced by modern urban culture, especially in cities like Bangkok, whereas I-Kiribati women may hold more traditional values. Thai women might also expect a higher level of grooming and fashion sense.

Popular First Date Activities

  • Visiting a night market or street food market.
  • Taking a walk in a park or along the river.
  • Enjoying a meal at a local restaurant.
  • Visiting cultural sites like temples or museums.

Red Light Districts

Popular red light districts include Patpong in Bangkok, Walking Street in Pattaya, and Bangla Road in Phuket. Be cautious as these areas are known for nightlife but also have high risks associated with them.

Prostitution on Dating Apps

Be aware that some profiles on dating apps might be linked to prostitution. If someone brings up financial transactions or suggests meeting in shady locations, proceed with caution.

10 Places to Meet Thai Women Outside of Dating Apps

  1. Universities: Many Thai women attend universities and are open to meeting new people.
  2. Coffee Shops: Great for casual conversations.
  3. Parks: Places like Lumpini Park in Bangkok are popular.
  4. Shopping Malls: CentralWorld or Siam Paragon are good spots.
  5. Cultural Events: Festivals and local events offer opportunities to meet people.
  6. Gyms: Fitness centers are social hubs.
  7. Night Markets: Chatuchak Market is a popular choice.
  8. Language Exchange Meetups: Great for cultural exchange.
  9. Cooking Classes: Learn Thai cuisine while meeting locals.
  10. Volunteer Activities: Join local NGOs or community service groups.

By understanding these aspects, you can navigate dating in Thailand more smoothly while respecting cultural differences and avoiding potential pitfalls.


Guide to Extending a Thai Tourist Visa or Visa Exemption for I-Kiribati Passport Holders

If you are an I-Kiribati passport holder currently in Thailand and wish to extend your stay, you can do so by following these steps:

1. Prepare Necessary Documents

Before heading to the immigration office, ensure you have the following documents ready:

  • Passport: Must be valid for at least 6 months.
  • TM.6 Departure Card: This is the card you received upon entry to Thailand.
  • Completed TM.7 Application Form: This form can be downloaded from the Thai Immigration Bureau website or obtained at the immigration office.
  • Recent Passport-Sized Photos: Typically 4x6 cm, taken within the last six months.
  • Proof of Financial Means: A bank statement or cash equivalent to at least 20,000 THB per person or 40,000 THB per family.
  • Visa Extension Fee: The fee is 1,900 THB, payable in cash.

2. Visit the Immigration Office

Locate the nearest immigration office. Popular locations include:

  • Bangkok Immigration Office (Chaeng Wattana)
  • Phuket Immigration Office
  • Chiang Mai Immigration Office

3. Submit Your Application

At the immigration office:

  • Take a queue number and wait for your turn.
  • Submit your completed TM.7 form along with your passport, TM.6 departure card, passport-sized photos, proof of financial means, and the visa extension fee.
  • The immigration officer may ask a few questions regarding your stay.

4. Wait for Processing

The processing time can vary but is usually completed within a few hours. In some cases, it might take longer, so be prepared to wait.

5. Receive Your Extended Stay

Once approved, your passport will be stamped with the new visa extension date. Ensure that all details are correct before leaving the immigration office.

Important Tips

  • Check Office Hours: Immigration offices are typically open Monday to Friday, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, but itā€™s always a good idea to check in advance.
  • Dress Appropriately: Dress modestly as a sign of respect.
  • Plan Ahead: Extensions should be applied for at least one week before your current visa or exemption period expires.
  • Keep Copies: Always keep copies of all documents submitted and received for your records.

By following these steps, I-Kiribati passport holders can successfully extend their stay in Thailand and continue to enjoy their visit.

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