Thailand visa requirements  |  Nauru

"Thailand Visa Requirements for Nauruan Citizens."

Updated 1 month ago at Sat, Jun 01, 2024
Visas  |  Requirements  |  Demographics  |  Crime  |  Food  |  Culture  |  Fundamentals  |  Relationships  |  Visa Extension


  Visa Duration

60 Day Visa Exemption is NOT available for Nauruan citizens

30 days Extension

15 Day Visa on Arrival is available for Nauruan citizens

15 days
no Extension

Tourist Visa is Available for Nauru

60 days
30 days Extension

Destination Thailand Visa is Available for Nauru

6 months
6 months Extension

Retirement Visa is Available for Nauru

1 year
1 year Extension

Retirement Visa 10 Year is Available for Nauru

5 year
5 year Extension

Education Visa is Available for Nauru

varied Extension

Business/Work Visa is Available for Nauru

1 year
1 year Extension

Marriage Visa is Available for Nauru

1 year
1 year Extension

Family Visa is Available for Nauru

3 Months - 1 Year
varied Extension

Privilege/Elite Visa is Available for Nauru

5/10/20 years
varied Extension

LTR Visa is Available for Nauru

5 years
5 years Extension



Population and Size of Country
Thailand has a significantly larger population compared to Nauru. As of recent estimates, Thailand’s population is approximately 70 million people, whereas Nauru has a population of around 10,000. In terms of land area, Thailand covers about 513,120 square kilometers, making it substantially larger than Nauru, which spans just 21 square kilometers.

Thailand’s population is predominantly Thai, accounting for about 95% of the populace. Other ethnic groups include Chinese, Malay, and various hill tribes. In contrast, Nauru’s population is primarily of Nauruan ethnicity, with small percentages of other Pacific Islanders and a few expatriates from Australia and other countries.

The dominant religion in Thailand is Buddhism, practiced by approximately 94% of the population. Other religions include Islam, Christianity, and Hinduism. In Nauru, Christianity is the predominant religion, with the majority being Protestant and Roman Catholic.

Thailand has a diverse and relatively large economy with a GDP of around $543 billion USD. Its economy is driven by manufacturing, agriculture, tourism, and services. Nauru’s GDP is much smaller, estimated at around $133 million USD, with its economy heavily reliant on phosphate mining, fishing licenses, and foreign aid.

Population Age Brackets
Thailand has an aging population with a median age of around 40 years. The age distribution shows a significant portion of the population in the working-age bracket (15-64 years). Nauru has a younger population with a median age of about 26 years, indicating a higher proportion of young people under 15 years old.

Men vs Women
In Thailand, the gender ratio is relatively balanced with a slight female majority. The male to female ratio is approximately 0.97 males for every female. Nauru also shows a balanced gender ratio but with a slight male majority, having about 1.05 males for every female.

Source of Popular Types of Income
In Thailand, popular sources of income include agriculture (rice, rubber), manufacturing (electronics, automobiles), and tourism. The country is also a significant exporter of goods. Nauru’s economy is primarily based on phosphate mining, which has been the mainstay for decades. Additionally, income from fishing licenses and foreign aid are crucial for the island’s economy.


Violent Crime

Thailand generally experiences lower levels of violent crime compared to many Western countries. However, incidents can still occur, particularly in tourist-heavy areas. Violent crimes such as assaults or robberies are relatively rare but not unheard of. Travelers from Nauru should exercise caution, especially in crowded places and avoid confrontations.

Casual Crime

Petty crimes like pickpocketing and bag snatching are more common, particularly in busy markets, crowded streets, and public transportation. It’s advisable to keep personal belongings secure and be vigilant in crowded areas. Using a money belt or keeping valuables in a secure bag can help mitigate the risk.

Crimes of Passion

Crimes of passion, often fueled by personal disputes or domestic issues, do occur but are typically confined to local residents. These types of crimes are less likely to affect tourists directly. However, it’s always wise to be cautious in social interactions and avoid situations that could lead to conflict.

Safety for Solo Women Travelers

Thailand is generally considered safe for solo women travelers. However, it’s important to remain cautious and aware of your surroundings. Avoid walking alone in poorly lit or isolated areas at night. Many solo female travelers report positive experiences, especially when sticking to well-known tourist areas and accommodations.

Walking Around at Night

Walking around at night in tourist areas like Bangkok, Chiang Mai, and Phuket is generally safe, though caution is always advised. Stick to well-lit streets and avoid secluded areas. Public transportation and ride-sharing services like Grab are reliable options for getting around safely after dark.


Scams targeting tourists are quite prevalent in Thailand. Common scams include tuk-tuk drivers offering overly expensive tours, gem scams, and fake travel agencies. Always use reputable service providers and be skeptical of deals that seem too good to be true. Research and plan your activities through trusted sources to avoid falling victim to scams.

Travelers from Nauru should find Thailand to be a relatively safe destination if they remain aware of their surroundings and take standard precautions against common types of crime.


Thailand and Nauru, though geographically distant, share some similarities in their culinary landscapes, particularly in the use of fresh, local ingredients and an emphasis on seafood. Nauruan cuisine often features fish, coconut, and tropical fruits, which are also prevalent in Thai cooking.

In Thailand, travelers from Nauru will find that seafood plays a significant role in the diet. Dishes like Tom Yum Goong (spicy shrimp soup) and Pla Pao (grilled fish) highlight the fresh seafood that is a staple in both cultures. The use of coconut in Thai cuisine, such as in Tom Kha Gai (coconut chicken soup) and Massaman Curry, may also feel familiar to Nauruan palates, given the prominence of coconut in Nauruan dishes.

Additionally, tropical fruits such as mangoes, papayas, and bananas are common in both countries. In Thailand, these fruits are often enjoyed fresh or used in desserts like Mango Sticky Rice. The practice of using fruits in cooking and as a refreshing snack will resonate with Nauruan travelers.

Thai cuisine’s use of rice as a staple food mirrors the importance of rice in many Pacific Island diets. Dishes like Pad Thai (stir-fried noodles) and Khao Pad (fried rice) offer a comforting and familiar base ingredient while introducing unique flavors through Thai spices and herbs.

For a taste of something distinctly Thai yet approachable for Nauruans, trying Som Tum (green papaya salad) can be an exciting experience. This dish combines the familiar tropical fruit with a blend of spicy, sour, sweet, and salty flavors that characterize Thai cuisine.

In summary, travelers from Nauru will find both familiar elements and new culinary adventures in Thailand. The shared emphasis on fresh ingredients and seafood, along with the use of tropical fruits and coconut, provides a comforting bridge between the two culinary worlds.


Cultural Differences and Making Friends

In Thailand, making friends often involves a high degree of politeness and respect. Thai people are generally very friendly and approachable, but it’s important to be mindful of their cultural norms. A traditional Thai greeting involves a “wai,” where you place your palms together in a prayer-like gesture and bow slightly. This is especially important when meeting elders or people of higher status.

What to Do

  • Respect Elders: Always show respect to older people. This includes giving up your seat for them on public transport.
  • Dress Modestly: When visiting temples or religious sites, wear clothing that covers your shoulders and knees. Remove your shoes before entering a temple.
  • Smile: Thailand is known as the “Land of Smiles.” A friendly smile can go a long way in social interactions.

What Not to Do

  • Don’t Touch the Head: The head is considered the most sacred part of the body in Thai culture. Avoid touching someone’s head, even in a friendly manner.
  • Avoid Public Displays of Affection: While holding hands is generally acceptable, more intimate displays of affection are frowned upon in public.
  • Don’t Point Your Feet: Feet are considered the lowest and dirtiest part of the body. Avoid pointing your feet at people or religious objects.

Habits Not to Bring from Nauru to Thailand

  • Loud Conversations: Thais generally speak softly and value calmness. Loud or boisterous behavior can be seen as rude.
  • Casual Attire in Formal Settings: While Nauruan culture may be more relaxed about dress codes, Thais have a more formal approach, especially in business or religious settings.

Deportment and Respect

  • Public Transport Etiquette: On public transport, it’s customary to give up your seat for monks, elderly people, and pregnant women. Speak softly and avoid making loud noises.
  • Respect Religious Places: Always show respect when visiting temples. This includes dressing appropriately, keeping your voice down, and not climbing on statues or religious artifacts.

Losing and Gaining Face

In Thai culture, “face” refers to one’s reputation, dignity, and social standing. Losing face through public embarrassment or confrontation can be deeply distressing for Thais. To avoid causing someone to lose face:

  • Avoid Public Criticism: If you need to address an issue, do so privately and tactfully.
  • Be Humble: Accept compliments modestly and avoid bragging.

Gaining face involves actions that increase your social standing and respect:

  • Show Respect: Demonstrating respect for others, particularly elders and those in authority, will help you gain face.
  • Be Generous and Kind: Acts of kindness and generosity are highly valued in Thai culture.

By understanding and respecting these cultural differences, travelers from Nauru can have a more enriching and harmonious experience in Thailand.


Bringing Phone from Nauru & Internet Availability: Travelers from Nauru can bring their phones to Thailand without any issues. Ensure your phone is unlocked for use with local SIM cards. Thailand has excellent mobile network coverage, and you can easily purchase a local SIM card at the airport or any convenience store. Major providers include AIS, DTAC, and TrueMove H, offering various prepaid plans with data packages.

Dominant Messaging Apps: LINE is the most popular messaging app in Thailand, widely used for communication, business, and even official notifications. WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger are also commonly used but to a lesser extent.

Must-Download Apps Before Arrival:

  • LINE: For communication.
  • Google Maps: For navigation.
  • Grab: For taxis and food delivery.
  • Airbnb or Agoda: For accommodation.
  • Eatigo: For restaurant reservations and discounts.
  • Google Translate: Helpful for overcoming language barriers.

Currency & ATM Use: The currency in Thailand is the Thai Baht (THB). ATMs are widely available throughout the country, but be aware of withdrawal fees. It’s advisable to withdraw larger amounts to minimize fees. Notify your bank ahead of your travel to avoid any issues with card usage.

Taxi Apps: Grab is the most reliable taxi app in Thailand, offering services similar to Uber. It is available in most major cities and allows you to book rides conveniently through the app.

Food Delivery: Food delivery services are highly efficient in Thailand. The most popular apps are GrabFood, Foodpanda, and Lineman. These apps offer a wide variety of local and international cuisine delivered straight to your door.

Credit Cards: Credit cards are widely accepted in Thailand, especially in urban areas and tourist destinations. Visa and MasterCard are the most commonly accepted, but it’s always a good idea to carry some cash for smaller establishments and markets.

Shopping: Thailand offers diverse shopping experiences from high-end malls like Siam Paragon in Bangkok to bustling markets like Chatuchak Weekend Market. Mobile payment options like QR codes via banking apps are becoming more common.

Trains: Thailand’s railway network is extensive, covering most parts of the country. The State Railway of Thailand (SRT) operates these services. For long-distance travel, trains are a comfortable option with different classes available. Booking can be done online or at train stations.

Local Buses: Local buses are an affordable way to get around cities and towns. In Bangkok, the Bangkok Mass Transit Authority (BMTA) operates an extensive network of buses. However, they can be confusing for newcomers due to the lack of English signs. Apps like ViaBus can help navigate bus routes.

By considering these practical tips, travelers from Nauru can have a smooth and enjoyable experience in Thailand.


Acceptance of Men from Nauru

Thai people are generally friendly and welcoming to foreigners, including men from Nauru. However, you may need to explain where Nauru is, as it’s a small and lesser-known country. Thai women are often curious about different cultures, so use this as an opportunity to share your unique background.

Funny Ways to Tell Women You Are from Nauru

Given that many Thais might not know where Nauru is, you can use humor to break the ice:

  • “I’m from a tiny island called Nauru. It’s so small, we all know each other!”
  • “Nauru is so small, you can walk around it in a day. But it has a big heart, just like me!”

Which Dating Apps to Use

  • Tinder: Popular globally and widely used in Thailand.
  • Badoo: Another popular app with a large user base.
  • ThaiFriendly: Specifically for meeting Thai singles.
  • OkCupid: Known for its detailed profiles and compatibility matching.

Good Opening Lines to Use with Thai Women on the Apps

  • “Sawadee krub! How’s your day going?”
  • “I’m from a small island called Nauru. Ever heard of it?”
  • “What’s your favorite place to visit in Thailand?”
  • “I’m new here and would love some local tips. Any suggestions?”

Teaching Thai Women About Nauruan Culture

Share interesting facts about Nauru:

  • Talk about the island’s natural beauty and unique traditions.
  • Share stories about local festivals or customs.
  • Introduce them to Nauruan food and music.

Dressing and Personal Hygiene

  • Dress neatly and conservatively; avoid overly casual attire.
  • Personal hygiene is crucial; ensure you are well-groomed and clean.
  • A light fragrance can be appealing but avoid overpowering scents.

Examples of Red Flags You Should Watch For

  • If she asks for money or gifts early on.
  • If she avoids answering personal questions or gives vague responses.
  • If she seems overly eager to meet in private places.

Examples of Scams on Dating Apps

  • Fake profiles asking for money or financial help.
  • Profiles that quickly profess love or deep affection.
  • Requests to move conversations off the app to less secure platforms.

Major Difference in Dating Between Nauru and Thailand

In Thailand, dating can be more traditional, with an emphasis on getting to know each other’s families. Public displays of affection are less common and may be frowned upon in more conservative areas.

Major Differences Between Thai Women and Nauruan Women

Thai women often value modesty, family ties, and cultural traditions. They may expect a slower pace in relationships compared to Western norms. Nauruan women might be more direct and open in their communication.

Popular First Date Activities

  • Visiting a night market or street food market.
  • Exploring a temple or cultural site.
  • Enjoying a coffee at a trendy café.
  • Taking a boat ride on the Chao Phraya River.

Red Light Districts

Areas like Patpong, Nana Plaza, and Soi Cowboy in Bangkok are known for their nightlife and adult entertainment. Be cautious if venturing into these areas, as they are not representative of typical Thai culture.

Prostitution on Dating Apps

Be aware that some profiles may be linked to prostitution. If someone is too forward or makes inappropriate offers, it’s best to block and report them.

10 Places to Meet Thai Women Outside of Dating Apps

  1. Universities: Attend public lectures or cultural events.
  2. Cafés: Popular hangout spots for young professionals.
  3. Shopping Malls: Large malls often host events and activities.
  4. Parks: Join local exercise groups or community events.
  5. Night Markets: Great for casual conversations over food.
  6. Temples: Volunteering can be a way to meet like-minded individuals.
  7. Cooking Classes: Learn Thai cuisine while meeting new people.
  8. Language Exchange Events: Practice Thai and English with locals.
  9. Gyms and Fitness Centers: Join group classes or sports activities.
  10. Live Music Venues: Enjoy local bands and meet music enthusiasts.

By following these guidelines, you can navigate the dating scene in Thailand with confidence and respect for local customs and culture.


Practical Guide to Extending a Thai Tourist Visa or Visa Exemption for Nauruan Passport Holders

Extending your stay in Thailand as a Nauruan passport holder can be a straightforward process if you follow these steps closely. Here’s a practical guide to help you through the process:

1. Understand the Extension Options

  • Tourist Visa Extension: If you entered Thailand with a Tourist Visa, you can extend it.
  • Visa Exemption Extension: If you entered Thailand under the visa exemption scheme, you can also extend your stay.

2. Prepare Required Documents

  • Passport: Ensure it is valid for at least 6 months and has blank pages.
  • TM.6 Departure Card: This is the card you received upon arrival in Thailand.
  • TM.7 Application Form: Available at immigration offices or can be downloaded online.
  • Passport-sized Photos: Typically, two recent photos (4x6 cm) are required.
  • Extension Fee: The fee is usually 1,900 THB (subject to change).

3. Visit an Immigration Office

  • Locate the nearest immigration office. Major cities and tourist areas like Bangkok, Chiang Mai, and Phuket have offices that handle visa extensions.
  • Arrive early to avoid long queues.

4. Submit Your Application

  • Fill out the TM.7 form accurately.
  • Attach your passport-sized photos to the form.
  • Submit your passport, TM.6 departure card, TM.7 application form, and the extension fee to the immigration officer.

5. Wait for Processing

  • Processing times can vary but generally, it takes a few hours.
  • You may be asked a few questions regarding your stay in Thailand.

6. Receive Your Extension

  • Once approved, your passport will be stamped with the new extension date.
  • Ensure all details are correct before leaving the immigration office.

Tips for a Smooth Process

  • Dress Appropriately: Dress modestly as a sign of respect.
  • Be Polite: Thai immigration officers appreciate politeness and patience.
  • Check Office Hours: Immigration offices have specific working hours and may be closed on public holidays.

Important Notes

  • Overstaying Penalties: Avoid overstaying your visa or visa exemption period as it incurs fines and potential legal consequences.
  • Multiple Extensions: Generally, multiple extensions are not guaranteed and depend on the discretion of the immigration officer.

By following these steps, Nauruan passport holders can efficiently extend their stay in Thailand and enjoy more of what this beautiful country has to offer.

Discover the wonders of Thailand with Thai Kru! Whether it’s vibrant city tours, serene beach escapes, or rich cultural experiences, we’ve got you covered. From visa assistance to comfy accommodations and personal travel guides, we handle it all. Plus, we speak your language! ‘Afa’ ready for an unforgettable adventure? Join us at Thai Kru, where Thailand’s magic awaits you. Ekamowir omo! (Let's go!)