Thailand visa requirements  |  Saint Pierre and Miquelon

"Exigences de visa pour la Thaïlande pour les citoyens français."

Updated 1 month ago at Sat, Jun 01, 2024
Visas  |  Requirements  |  Demographics  |  Crime  |  Food  |  Culture  |  Fundamentals  |  Relationships  |  Visa Extension


  Visa Duration

60 Day Visa Exemption is NOT available for French citizens

30 days Extension

15 Day Visa on Arrival is NOT available for French citizens

15 days
no Extension

Tourist Visa is Available for Saint Pierre and Miquelon

60 days
30 days Extension

Destination Thailand Visa is Available for Saint Pierre and Miquelon

6 months
6 months Extension

Retirement Visa is Available for Saint Pierre and Miquelon

1 year
1 year Extension

Retirement Visa 10 Year is Available for Saint Pierre and Miquelon

5 year
5 year Extension

Education Visa is Available for Saint Pierre and Miquelon

varied Extension

Business/Work Visa is Available for Saint Pierre and Miquelon

1 year
1 year Extension

Marriage Visa is Available for Saint Pierre and Miquelon

1 year
1 year Extension

Family Visa is Available for Saint Pierre and Miquelon

3 Months - 1 Year
varied Extension

Privilege/Elite Visa is Available for Saint Pierre and Miquelon

5/10/20 years
varied Extension

LTR Visa is Available for Saint Pierre and Miquelon

5 years
5 years Extension



Population and Size of Country

Saint Pierre and Miquelon, a small French archipelago in the North Atlantic Ocean, has a population of approximately 6,000 people. In contrast, Thailand is significantly larger with a population of around 70 million people. The size of Saint Pierre and Miquelon is about 242 square kilometers, whereas Thailand spans approximately 513,120 square kilometers.


The population of Saint Pierre and Miquelon is primarily of French descent, with a small number of Basque and Breton communities. Thailand’s population is predominantly Thai (around 95%), with other ethnic groups including Chinese, Malay, and various hill tribes.


The predominant religion in Saint Pierre and Miquelon is Roman Catholicism, reflecting its French heritage. In Thailand, Buddhism is the dominant religion, practiced by about 95% of the population. There are also minorities practicing Islam, Christianity, and Hinduism.


Saint Pierre and Miquelon has a relatively modest GDP due to its small size and limited economic activities. Thailand, on the other hand, has a more robust economy with a GDP of over $500 billion, driven by diverse sectors such as manufacturing, agriculture, and tourism.

Population Age Brackets

In Saint Pierre and Miquelon, the population is aging, with a significant portion over the age of 60. Thailand also faces an aging population but has a more balanced demographic distribution with substantial youth and working-age populations.

Men vs Women

The gender ratio in Saint Pierre and Miquelon is fairly balanced but slightly skewed towards women due to longer life expectancy. Thailand also has a balanced gender ratio, though women slightly outnumber men.

Source of Popular Types of Income

In Saint Pierre and Miquelon, the economy relies heavily on fishing, fish processing, and public sector employment. Tourism also contributes but to a lesser extent. Thailand’s economy is more diverse with significant income from agriculture (notably rice), manufacturing (electronics, automobiles), services (including tourism), and exports.


Violent Crime

In Thailand, violent crime rates are generally lower compared to many Western countries, including Saint Pierre and Miquelon. Incidents of violent crime such as assault or robbery are relatively rare, especially in tourist areas. However, it is always wise to remain vigilant and avoid poorly lit or deserted areas, particularly at night.

Casual Crime

Petty crimes like pickpocketing and bag snatching can occur, especially in crowded places like markets, public transportation, and popular tourist attractions. Travelers should take standard precautions such as keeping valuables secure and being aware of their surroundings. Using a money belt or anti-theft bag can be helpful.

Crimes of Passion

Crimes of passion are not a common concern for tourists in Thailand. These types of crimes typically occur in domestic settings and are less likely to affect travelers. However, it’s advisable to avoid confrontations and disputes with locals or other tourists to minimize any risk.

Safety for Solo Women Travelers

Thailand is generally considered safe for solo women travelers. Many women travel alone without encountering serious issues. Nonetheless, it’s important to exercise common sense: avoid walking alone late at night, be cautious when accepting drinks from strangers, and stay in well-reviewed accommodations. Utilizing rideshare apps like Grab can add an extra layer of security when traveling alone.

Walking Around at Night

Walking around at night in tourist-friendly areas like Bangkok, Chiang Mai, or Phuket is usually safe. However, it’s best to stick to well-lit and busy streets. Avoiding isolated areas and being cautious in nightlife districts can further reduce potential risks.


Scams targeting tourists are relatively common in Thailand. These can range from taxi drivers overcharging to more elaborate schemes involving fake travel agencies or gem shops. Always use reputable services, agree on prices beforehand, and be skeptical of deals that seem too good to be true. Reading up on common scams before your trip can also help you stay alert.

By keeping these considerations in mind, travelers from Saint Pierre and Miquelon can enjoy a safe and memorable trip to Thailand.


While Saint Pierre and Miquelon and Thailand are worlds apart in terms of geography and culture, both regions offer unique culinary experiences that emphasize fresh ingredients and bold flavors. Travelers from Saint Pierre and Miquelon will find some similarities in the use of seafood, given the archipelago’s reliance on the ocean for many of its dishes. In Thailand, seafood is also a staple, with dishes like Tom Yum Goong (spicy shrimp soup) and Pla Pao (grilled fish) showcasing the country’s rich maritime resources.

However, the flavor profiles differ significantly. Thai cuisine is renowned for its balance of sweet, sour, salty, and spicy flavors. Visitors should try Pad Thai, a stir-fried noodle dish that combines tamarind paste, fish sauce, and lime for a tangy kick, often garnished with peanuts and fresh herbs.

Another must-try is Som Tum (green papaya salad), which offers a refreshing yet spicy taste with ingredients like shredded papaya, tomatoes, chilies, and lime juice. For those who enjoy curries, Gaeng Keow Wan (green curry) provides a creamy and spicy experience with coconut milk, green chilies, and a mix of vegetables and meat.

For a street food experience, Satay skewers, usually served with a peanut sauce, offer a familiar yet exotic taste that might remind travelers of grilled dishes from home but with a distinctly Thai twist.

Desserts also present an interesting comparison. While Saint Pierre and Miquelon might offer pastries and sweets influenced by French cuisine, Thai desserts like Mango Sticky Rice or Khanom Buang (Thai crepes) provide a delightful end to any meal with their use of tropical fruits and coconut milk.

In summary, while there are some similarities in the use of seafood, Thai cuisine offers a unique blend of flavors and ingredients that will provide travelers from Saint Pierre and Miquelon with an exciting culinary adventure.


Travelers from Saint Pierre and Miquelon will find Thailand’s culture rich and distinct. Making friends in Thailand often involves a warm and respectful approach. A traditional Thai greeting, the “wai,” involves placing your palms together in a prayer-like gesture and bowing slightly. This gesture shows respect and is appreciated, especially when meeting elders or those in positions of authority. Smiling is also an essential part of Thai social interaction, as it conveys friendliness and goodwill.

When visiting Thailand, it’s crucial to be mindful of local customs. Always dress modestly, especially when visiting temples or religious sites. Shoulders and knees should be covered, and shoes must be removed before entering these sacred places. Public displays of affection are generally frowned upon, so it’s best to keep physical interactions discreet.

There are certain habits from Saint Pierre and Miquelon that might not be well-received in Thailand. For instance, raising your voice or showing frustration in public can cause discomfort. Thais value calmness and maintaining a composed demeanor. Additionally, avoid touching someone’s head or pointing your feet at people or religious objects, as these actions are considered disrespectful.

Deportment and respect are paramount in Thai culture. Always show deference to the Thai Royal Family, as they are highly revered. When it comes to public transport, wait patiently in line and offer your seat to monks, elderly passengers, and pregnant women. Keep conversations at a low volume to maintain a peaceful atmosphere.

Understanding the concept of “face” is crucial in Thailand. Losing face refers to being embarrassed or humiliated in public, which can damage one’s social standing. Conversely, gaining face involves actions that bring respect and honor. Ensure your interactions are polite and avoid confrontations or criticisms in public to help both you and others maintain face.

By respecting these cultural nuances, travelers from Saint Pierre and Miquelon can enjoy a harmonious and enriching experience in Thailand.


Bringing Phone from Saint Pierre and Miquelon: Your phone from Saint Pierre and Miquelon should work in Thailand, provided it is unlocked and supports GSM networks. Check with your carrier to ensure your phone is unlocked and compatible with Thai networks. You can purchase a local SIM card upon arrival at the airport or at various convenience stores.

Internet Availability: Thailand has extensive 4G and emerging 5G coverage in urban areas. Wi-Fi is widely available in hotels, cafes, and restaurants. For continuous connectivity, consider purchasing a local SIM card with a data plan from providers like AIS, DTAC, or TrueMove H.

Dominant Messaging Apps: LINE is the most popular messaging app in Thailand. Other commonly used apps include WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger. Download LINE before your trip to stay connected with locals and for various services that use the app.

Must-Download Apps Before Arrival:

  • LINE: For messaging and local services.
  • Grab: For taxis and food delivery.
  • Google Maps: For navigation.
  • Bangkok MRT/BTS Apps: For using the metro and skytrain systems.
  • XE Currency: For real-time currency conversion.
  • TripAdvisor: For restaurant and attraction reviews.

Currency: The official currency is the Thai Baht (THB). It’s advisable to exchange some money before arriving or use ATMs upon arrival for better rates. Major currencies like USD, EUR, and GBP can be exchanged easily.

ATM Use: ATMs are widely available and accept international cards. Be aware of withdrawal fees, which can be around 200-300 THB per transaction. Notify your bank of your travel plans to avoid any issues with card usage.

Taxi Apps: Grab is the most reliable taxi app in Thailand, offering services like GrabCar, GrabBike, and GrabTaxi. It’s similar to Uber and allows for cashless payments. Bolt is another option but less widespread.

Food Delivery: Food delivery is very convenient in Thailand. GrabFood and Foodpanda are the leading apps for food delivery, offering a wide range of local and international cuisine options.

Credit Cards: Credit cards are widely accepted in hotels, malls, and larger restaurants. However, smaller establishments, street vendors, and markets prefer cash. Visa and MasterCard are more commonly accepted than American Express.

Shopping: Thailand offers a variety of shopping experiences, from high-end malls like Siam Paragon in Bangkok to bustling markets like Chatuchak Weekend Market. Always carry some cash for small purchases and bargaining.

Trains: Thailand’s train network is extensive, with the State Railway of Thailand (SRT) operating long-distance routes. For urban travel in Bangkok, the BTS Skytrain and MRT subway are efficient options. Tickets can be purchased at stations or via respective apps.

Local Buses: Local buses are an affordable way to travel but can be confusing for non-Thai speakers. Bus routes are often listed in Thai, so using apps like Google Maps for navigation can be helpful. Alternatively, opt for more tourist-friendly options like the Bangkok Hop-On Hop-Off Bus.


Acceptance of Men from Saint Pierre and Miquelon

Thai people are generally very welcoming and hospitable. While Saint Pierre and Miquelon might not be widely known in Thailand, this can work to your advantage as a conversation starter. Thai women are often curious about different cultures and places, so your unique background can be an interesting topic.

Funny Ways to Tell Women You Are from Saint Pierre and Miquelon

You could say something light-hearted like, “I’m from a tiny island near Canada that’s so small, even Google has to squint to find it!” This can break the ice and make your conversation more engaging.

Which Dating Apps to Use

Popular dating apps in Thailand include Tinder, Bumble, and ThaiFriendly. These platforms have a large user base and are commonly used by both locals and expats.

Good Opening Lines to Use with Thai Women on the Apps

  • “Hi! I’m from a small island called Saint Pierre and Miquelon. Ever heard of it?”
  • “Sawadee krap! I’m new here and would love some local tips. Can you help?”
  • “Your smile is as warm as the beaches back home. How’s your day going?”

Teaching Thai Women About French Culture

Thai women are often fascinated by different cultures. Share interesting aspects such as French cuisine, language, and traditions. You could say, “In France, we have a special way of greeting with cheek kisses. Have you ever tried that?”

Dressing and Personal Hygiene

Dress neatly but casually. Thais appreciate clean, well-groomed appearances. A smart casual outfit is usually appropriate for most occasions. Always maintain good personal hygiene; it’s highly valued in Thai culture.

Examples of Red Flags You Should Watch For

  • Excessive requests for money or gifts early in the relationship.
  • Reluctance to meet in person after extensive online communication.
  • Inconsistent stories about their personal life or background.

Examples of Scams on Dating Apps

Be wary of profiles that seem too good to be true or those that quickly ask for financial assistance. Some scammers may pose as women but are actually part of organized crime rings looking to exploit foreigners.

Major Difference in Dating Between Saint Pierre and Miquelon and Thailand

In Thailand, dating can often involve the family more closely than in Western cultures. It’s common for Thai women to introduce their partners to their family relatively early in the relationship.

Major Differences Between Thai Women and French Women

Thai women may be more reserved initially compared to French women, who might be more direct. However, once trust is established, Thai women can be very affectionate and caring. They also place a high value on respect and politeness.

Popular First Date Activities

  • Visiting a local market or night bazaar.
  • Enjoying a meal at a riverside restaurant.
  • Exploring cultural sites like temples or museums.
  • Taking a boat ride along the Chao Phraya River.

Red Light Districts

Bangkok’s red light districts such as Patpong, Nana Plaza, and Soi Cowboy are well-known. While these areas are famous for nightlife, they might not be the best places to find genuine relationships.

Prostitution on Dating Apps

Prostitution is prevalent on some dating apps. Be cautious if someone seems overly eager to meet in private settings or asks for money in exchange for companionship.

10 Places to Meet Thai Women Outside of Dating Apps

  1. Cafes and Coffee Shops: Popular among students and young professionals.
  2. Shopping Malls: CentralWorld, Siam Paragon.
  3. Universities: Attend public lectures or events.
  4. Parks: Lumphini Park, Chatuchak Park.
  5. Night Markets: Rot Fai Market, Asiatique.
  6. Gyms and Fitness Centers: Fitness First, Virgin Active.
  7. Language Exchange Events: Often held in cafes or community centers.
  8. Cooking Classes: A fun way to learn about Thai cuisine together.
  9. Volunteer Activities: Join local charity events or community service.
  10. Cultural Festivals: Songkran (Thai New Year), Loy Krathong (Festival of Lights).

These tips should help you navigate the dating scene in Thailand effectively while making meaningful connections.


Practical Guide to Extending a Thai Tourist Visa or Visa Exemption for French Passport Holders

Extending your stay in Thailand as a French passport holder involves a straightforward process. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you through it:

1. Gather Required Documents

  • Passport: Ensure your passport is valid for at least six months and has blank pages.
  • TM6 Departure Card: This is the card you received upon entering Thailand.
  • TM7 Application Form: Available at immigration offices or online. Complete this form accurately.
  • Passport-sized Photo: One recent photo (4x6 cm).
  • Extension Fee: 1,900 THB (subject to change). Have the exact amount in Thai Baht.
  • Proof of Financial Means: Bank statements or cash showing sufficient funds for your stay.
  • Proof of Accommodation: Hotel booking confirmation or a letter from your host.

2. Visit an Immigration Office

  • Locate the nearest immigration office. Popular ones include those in Bangkok (Chaeng Wattana), Chiang Mai, Phuket, and Pattaya.
  • Arrive early to avoid long queues, especially in major cities.

3. Submit Your Application

  • Present all the required documents to the immigration officer.
  • Fill out any additional forms provided by the officer.
  • Pay the extension fee and obtain a receipt.

4. Wait for Processing

  • Processing times can vary but generally take a few hours. Some offices may ask you to return the next day.
  • You may be asked additional questions or for more documents; respond promptly and politely.

5. Receive Your Extension

  • Once approved, your passport will be stamped with the new expiry date.
  • Ensure all details are correct before leaving the immigration office.

6. Keep Track of Your New Expiry Date

  • Note the new expiry date and ensure you do not overstay, as this can result in fines or other penalties.

Tips for a Smooth Extension Process

  • Dress Appropriately: Business casual is recommended to show respect.
  • Be Polite and Patient: Immigration offices can be busy; courteous behavior goes a long way.
  • Double-Check Documents: Ensure all forms are filled out correctly and documents are complete.

By following these steps, you can successfully extend your stay in Thailand and continue enjoying your travels without interruption. Safe travels!

Découvrez la magie de la Thaïlande avec Thai Kru, votre agence de voyage sur mesure ! Spécialistes des aventures inoubliables, nous facilitons votre voyage avec des services de visa, des guides sur la culture locale, hébergements de charme, excursions exclusives et assistance en traduction. Que vous soyez à la recherche de plages idylliques, de cuisine exquise ou de temples mystiques, nos guides personnels vous feront vivre la Thaïlande comme un vrai "Thai". Laissez Thai Kru transformer votre escapade en une expérience épique. Bon voyage ou comme on dit ici, "Bon voyage na krub"!