Thailand visa requirements  |  Sweden

Krav på visum till Thailand för svenska medborgare.

Updated 1 month ago at Sat, Jun 01, 2024
Visas  |  Requirements  |  Demographics  |  Crime  |  Food  |  Culture  |  Fundamentals  |  Relationships  |  Visa Extension


  Visa Duration

60 Day Visa Exemption is available for Swedish citizens

30 days Extension

15 Day Visa on Arrival is NOT available for Swedish citizens

15 days
no Extension

Tourist Visa is Available for Sweden

60 days
30 days Extension

Destination Thailand Visa is Available for Sweden

6 months
6 months Extension

Retirement Visa is Available for Sweden

1 year
1 year Extension

Retirement Visa 10 Year is Available for Sweden

5 year
5 year Extension

Education Visa is Available for Sweden

varied Extension

Business/Work Visa is Available for Sweden

1 year
1 year Extension

Marriage Visa is Available for Sweden

1 year
1 year Extension

Family Visa is Available for Sweden

3 Months - 1 Year
varied Extension

Privilege/Elite Visa is Available for Sweden

5/10/20 years
varied Extension

LTR Visa is Available for Sweden

5 years
5 years Extension



Population and Size of Country

Thailand has a population of approximately 70 million people, whereas Sweden’s population is around 10 million. In terms of land area, Thailand covers about 513,120 square kilometers, making it significantly larger than Sweden, which spans approximately 450,295 square kilometers.


Thailand is predominantly ethnically Thai, with over 90% of the population identifying as such. Minority groups include ethnic Chinese, Malays, and various hill tribes. Sweden, on the other hand, has a more diverse ethnic composition due to significant immigration in recent decades. Ethnic Swedes make up about 80% of the population, with the remaining 20% comprising immigrants and their descendants from various countries.


The dominant religion in Thailand is Theravada Buddhism, practiced by approximately 94% of the population. Islam is the second-largest religion, mainly practiced in the southern provinces. In Sweden, the largest religion is Christianity, specifically Lutheranism, which is followed by about 60% of the population. However, Sweden is known for its secularism, with a significant portion of the population identifying as non-religious.


Thailand’s GDP is significantly lower than that of Sweden. As of recent data, Thailand’s GDP is around $500 billion USD, whereas Sweden’s GDP is approximately $550 billion USD. However, when adjusted for purchasing power parity (PPP), Thailand’s GDP per capita is much lower compared to Sweden’s.

Population Age Brackets

Thailand has a relatively younger population compared to Sweden. Approximately 24% of Thailand’s population is under the age of 15, while around 12% are over 65. In contrast, Sweden has an aging population with about 18% under the age of 15 and around 20% over the age of 65.

Men vs Women

In Thailand, the gender ratio is relatively balanced with a slight female majority; women make up about 51% of the population. In Sweden, women also constitute a slightly larger proportion of the population at approximately 50.2%.

Source of Popular Types of Income

Thailand’s economy is diverse but heavily reliant on agriculture, manufacturing, and tourism. Key exports include electronics, automobiles, and agricultural products like rice and rubber. Tourism is a major income source, attracting millions of visitors annually. In contrast, Sweden’s economy is highly industrialized and based on advanced manufacturing, technology, and services. Key industries include automotive (e.g., Volvo), telecommunications (e.g., Ericsson), pharmaceuticals, and heavy machinery. Sweden also has a strong welfare state supported by high taxes.


Violent Crime

Thailand generally has a lower rate of violent crime compared to many Western countries, including Sweden. However, incidents can still occur, particularly in tourist-heavy areas. While violent crime is not rampant, it is advisable to stay vigilant, especially in crowded places and during late hours.

Casual Crime

Petty crimes such as pickpocketing and bag snatching are more common in Thailand than in Sweden. These crimes often happen in busy markets, public transportation, and tourist areas. It’s essential to keep your belongings secure and be aware of your surroundings.

Crimes of Passion

Crimes of passion, though not extremely common, do occur and can sometimes involve foreigners. These incidents often stem from personal disputes or romantic entanglements. It is wise to exercise caution in personal relationships and avoid confrontational situations.

Safety for Solo Women Travellers

Thailand is generally considered safe for solo women travelers, but it is advisable to take standard precautions. Avoid isolated areas, especially at night, and be cautious when interacting with strangers. Trustworthy accommodations and reputable transportation services can also enhance safety.

Walking Around at Night

Walking around at night in Thailand can be relatively safe in well-lit and populated areas, particularly in major cities like Bangkok and Chiang Mai. However, some areas may become less secure after dark. It is best to avoid poorly lit streets and deserted areas during nighttime.


Scams targeting tourists are quite prevalent in Thailand. Common scams include overpriced taxi fares, gem scams, and fake tour operators. Always use licensed services, agree on prices beforehand, and be wary of deals that seem too good to be true.

By staying informed and cautious, travelers can enjoy a safe and pleasant experience in Thailand.


Swedish travelers to Thailand will find some interesting similarities and delightful differences in the culinary landscape. Both Swedish and Thai cuisines emphasize fresh ingredients and balanced flavors, although the flavor profiles differ significantly. In Sweden, the cuisine often balances savory and sweet, with dishes like meatballs with lingonberry sauce. Similarly, Thai cuisine balances sweet, sour, salty, and spicy flavors in dishes such as Pad Thai and Tom Yum Goong.

Similarities in Ingredients

Both cuisines make extensive use of seafood due to their geographical locations. In Sweden, salmon and herring are staples, while in Thailand, you’ll find an abundance of shrimp, fish, and squid. Vegetables also play a significant role in both diets, with root vegetables like potatoes common in Swedish cuisine and a variety of greens in Thai dishes.

Types of Food to Try

Street Food:

  • Som Tum (Green Papaya Salad): A spicy salad made from shredded green papaya, tomatoes, peanuts, dried shrimp, and a tangy lime dressing.
  • Satay: Skewered and grilled meat served with a rich peanut sauce, somewhat reminiscent of Swedish skewered meats but with a distinct Thai twist.

Main Dishes:

  • Pad Thai: Stir-fried rice noodles with eggs, tofu or shrimp, peanuts, bean sprouts, and lime. The combination of sweet, sour, salty, and spicy flavors offers a unique experience.
  • Massaman Curry: A milder curry with influences from Indian cuisine, featuring tender meat (often beef or chicken), potatoes, and peanuts in a rich coconut milk base.


  • Tom Yum Goong: A hot and sour soup with shrimp, mushrooms, lemongrass, galangal, kaffir lime leaves, and chili. Its bold flavors are a stark contrast to the milder soups found in Swedish cuisine.
  • Tom Kha Gai: A coconut milk-based soup with chicken, galangal, lemongrass, and mushrooms. It offers a creamy texture that might be more familiar to those accustomed to Swedish creamy soups.


  • Mango Sticky Rice: A simple yet delicious dessert featuring ripe mango slices served with sticky rice cooked in coconut milk.
  • Khanom Buang (Thai Crispy Pancakes): Thin crepes filled with sweet or savory toppings such as coconut cream and shredded coconut or minced shrimp.


  • Thai Iced Tea: A sweet and creamy tea made from strongly brewed black tea mixed with condensed milk and served over ice. It provides a refreshing contrast to the more straightforward teas typically consumed in Sweden.

By exploring these dishes, Swedish travelers can appreciate both the familiar elements and the exotic flavors that make Thai cuisine unique.


Cultural Differences and Social Etiquette in Thailand for Swedish Travelers

When making friends in Thailand, it’s important to be polite and respectful. Thais generally value humility and a friendly demeanor. A traditional Thai greeting called the “wai” involves placing your hands together in a prayer-like gesture and bowing slightly. This is a sign of respect and is commonly used when meeting someone for the first time or thanking them. Smiling is also an essential part of Thai culture and is often used to convey friendliness and approachability.

When visiting Thailand, be mindful of the local customs and traditions. Always dress modestly, especially when visiting temples or religious sites. Shoulders and knees should be covered, and shoes must be removed before entering temples. It’s also important to avoid touching someone’s head or pointing your feet at people or religious objects, as these actions are considered disrespectful.

Certain habits from Sweden might not be well-received in Thailand. For instance, public displays of affection are generally frowned upon. While holding hands might be acceptable, anything more intimate should be avoided in public spaces. Additionally, raising your voice or showing anger in public is considered inappropriate and can lead to a loss of face.

Deportment and respect are crucial in Thai culture. Always show respect to elders and authority figures. When handing over or receiving something from someone, use both hands as a sign of respect. Avoid stepping on Thai currency, as it bears the image of the King, who is highly revered.

Touching is another area where cultural differences are evident. Thais are generally more reserved about physical contact, especially with strangers. While a handshake might be common in Sweden, the “wai” is preferred in Thailand. Avoid touching people on the head, as it is considered the most sacred part of the body.

When using public transport, maintain a calm and composed demeanor. Speak softly and avoid creating a disturbance. Giving up your seat for monks, elderly people, and pregnant women is a common courtesy.

In Thai culture, the concept of “face” is very important. “Losing face” refers to being embarrassed or humiliated in public, which can harm one’s social standing. Conversely, “gaining face” involves actions that increase one’s respect and honor within the community. To avoid causing someone to lose face, refrain from criticizing or confronting them publicly. Instead, address issues discreetly and respectfully.

By understanding these cultural nuances, Swedish travelers can ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience while respecting the rich traditions and customs of Thailand.


Bringing Phone from Sweden Ensure your phone is unlocked for international use. Most modern smartphones from Sweden should work fine in Thailand, but check compatibility with Thai GSM networks.

Internet Availability Thailand offers extensive 4G and emerging 5G networks. You can purchase a local SIM card at the airport or major convenience stores. AIS, TrueMove, and DTAC are the main providers. Prepaid packages with data are affordable and widely available.

Dominant Messaging Apps LINE is the most popular messaging app in Thailand, followed by WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger. Download LINE to stay connected with locals.

Must-Download Apps Before Arrival

  • LINE: For messaging and local communication.
  • Grab: For ride-hailing and food delivery services.
  • Google Maps: Essential for navigation.
  • Translate App: Google Translate can be very helpful.
  • Klook: For booking activities and attractions.

Currency The official currency is the Thai Baht (THB). It’s advisable to exchange some currency before arrival or at the airport. ATMs are widely available.

ATM Use ATMs are plentiful, but note that Thai ATMs typically charge a fee of around 220 THB per withdrawal for foreign cards. Inform your bank about your travel to avoid any card blocks.

Taxi Apps Grab is the most reliable taxi app, similar to Uber. It offers car, motorbike, and even tuk-tuk services in major cities.

Food Delivery GrabFood and FoodPanda are the leading food delivery apps. They offer a wide range of options from local street food to international cuisine.

Credit Cards Credit cards are widely accepted in hotels, large restaurants, and shopping malls. However, cash is preferred in smaller shops and local markets.

Shopping Bangkok is a shopping paradise with everything from luxury malls like Siam Paragon to markets like Chatuchak Weekend Market. Bargaining is common in markets but not in malls.

Trains Thailand has an extensive train network. The State Railway of Thailand operates long-distance trains, while Bangkok has an efficient BTS Skytrain and MRT subway system. Book tickets in advance for long-distance travel.

Local Buses Local buses are cheap but can be confusing for tourists due to limited English signage. In Bangkok, the BMTA operates the bus system; use Google Maps or the Moovit app to navigate routes.


Acceptance of Men from Sweden

Swedish men are generally well-received in Thailand, often seen as polite, respectful, and well-mannered. The perception of Swedish men as tall, fair-skinned, and friendly can be appealing to many Thai women. However, it’s important to approach relationships with respect and genuine interest rather than stereotypes.

Funny Ways to Tell Women You Are from Sweden

A light-hearted and humorous way to tell Thai women you are from Sweden could be to mention ABBA or IKEA, as these are globally recognized Swedish icons. For example, you could say, “I come from the land of ABBA and IKEA!” This can initiate a fun conversation and break the ice.

Which Dating Apps to Use

Popular dating apps in Thailand include Tinder, Bumble, and ThaiFriendly. For more serious relationships, ThaiCupid is also a good option. These platforms have a large user base and are widely accepted for both casual and serious dating.

Good Opening Lines to Use with Thai Women on the Apps

  • “Hi! I’m [Your Name], and I’m new to Thailand. What’s your favorite place to visit here?”
  • “Hello! I’ve heard Thai food is amazing. What’s your favorite dish?”
  • “Hi! I’m from Sweden. Have you ever been there or tried Swedish food?”

Teaching Thai Women About Swedish Culture

When teaching Thai women about Swedish culture, you could share interesting facts about Swedish traditions like Midsummer celebrations, Lucia Day, or the concept of “fika” (a coffee break with pastries). Sharing photos or videos can make it more engaging.

Dressing and Personal Hygiene

Thai people generally appreciate cleanliness and neatness. Dress casually but neatly; avoid overly revealing or scruffy clothing. Personal hygiene is crucial—regular showers, clean clothes, and fresh breath will go a long way in making a good impression.

Examples of Red Flags You Should Watch For

  • Excessive requests for money or expensive gifts early in the relationship.
  • Avoidance of personal questions or providing vague answers.
  • Reluctance to meet in person or video chat after a reasonable period of chatting online.

Examples of Scams on Dating Apps

Be cautious of profiles that seem too good to be true or those that quickly profess love and ask for money. Scammers might also try to lure you into investment schemes or ask for financial help due to fabricated emergencies.

Major Difference in Dating Between Sweden and Thailand

In Sweden, dating tends to be more egalitarian and casual, with both parties often sharing expenses. In Thailand, traditional gender roles may be more pronounced, with men often expected to take the lead in planning dates and sometimes covering expenses.

Major Differences Between Thai Women and Swedish Women

Thai women may place a higher value on family approval and traditional roles compared to Swedish women, who often prioritize independence and equality in relationships. Additionally, Thai women might be more reserved initially but can be very warm once they get to know you.

Popular First Date Activities

  • Enjoying a meal at a local restaurant.
  • Visiting a night market.
  • Taking a stroll in a park or by the beach.
  • Exploring cultural sites like temples or museums.

Red Light Districts

Bangkok’s red light districts include Patpong, Nana Plaza, and Soi Cowboy. In Pattaya, Walking Street is well-known. These areas are famous for nightlife but are not ideal for finding genuine relationships.

Prostitution on Dating Apps

Be aware that some profiles on dating apps may be involved in prostitution. Signs include suggestive photos, immediate offers for “services,” or profiles that seem overly professional.

10 Places to Meet Thai Women Outside of Dating Apps

  1. Cafes and Coffee Shops: Places like Starbucks or local cafes.
  2. Shopping Malls: CentralWorld, Siam Paragon in Bangkok.
  3. Universities: Attending public events or lectures.
  4. Language Exchange Meetups: Great for cultural exchange.
  5. Gyms and Fitness Centers: Popular chains like Fitness First.
  6. Social Clubs or Hobby Groups: Photography clubs, book clubs.
  7. Cooking Classes: Learn Thai cuisine together.
  8. Night Markets: Chatuchak Market in Bangkok.
  9. Parks: Lumpini Park in Bangkok.
  10. Cultural Events: Festivals like Songkran (Thai New Year).

By understanding these aspects, Swedish men can navigate the dating scene in Thailand more effectively and respectfully.


Practical Guide to Extending a Thai Tourist Visa or Visa Exemption for Swedish Passport Holders

1. Understand Your Options

Swedish passport holders in Thailand can extend their stay by:

  • Extending a Tourist Visa: If you entered Thailand with a tourist visa.
  • Extending a Visa Exemption: If you entered Thailand without a visa under the visa exemption scheme.

2. Required Documents

Prepare the following documents:

  • Passport: Valid for at least 6 months with blank pages.
  • TM.7 Form: Application for extension of temporary stay.
  • Recent Passport-Sized Photos: Two photos (4x6 cm).
  • Photocopies of Passport Pages: Including the main page, entry stamp, and visa page (if applicable).
  • Extension Fee: 1,900 THB, payable in cash.

3. Visit the Immigration Office

Locate the nearest Thai Immigration Office. Major offices are in Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Phuket, and other key cities.

4. Application Process

  1. Complete the TM.7 Form: Fill out the form with accurate information.
  2. Submit Documents: Present your passport, TM.7 form, photos, and photocopies.
  3. Pay the Fee: Pay the 1,900 THB fee at the cashier.
  4. Interview (if required): Some offices may ask brief questions about your stay.
  5. Receive Your Extension: If approved, your passport will be stamped with the new extension date.

5. Processing Time

Typically, the process is completed on the same day, but it can take longer during peak times.

6. Important Considerations

  • Plan Ahead: Visit the immigration office at least a week before your current stay expires.
  • Dress Appropriately: Respectful attire is required in government buildings.
  • Be Patient: Offices can be busy; wait times vary.

7. Additional Tips

  • Photocopy Services: Available at most immigration offices for a small fee.
  • Language Barrier: Basic English is spoken at most offices, but having a Thai-speaking friend can help.
  • Extensions Limit: Check current regulations as repeated extensions may have limits or require additional documentation.

By following these steps, Swedish passport holders can smoothly extend their stay in Thailand and continue enjoying their visit without legal complications.

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