Can a South African passport holder apply for a new non-B visa in Laos or Thailand after leaving a job without a work permit?

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Case Summary

A South African passport holder, currently residing in Thailand on a Non-B visa, sought advice on acquiring a new Non-B visa after leaving a previous job for which no work permit was held. The individual had secured employment at a new school and was unsure if they could apply for a new Non-B visa in Laos after leaving Thailand, or whether this could only be done on a tourist visa.

Thai Kru's Solution

Upon reviewing this unique case, Thai Kru clarified that the Savannakhet Lao will not process visa applications from South African passport holders. However, the consulate in Vientiane would accept applications, although an appointment would be necessary. This consulate is one of the few in the region that will allow South African passport holders to apply, although other consulates may accept applications with a four-week approval process.

Another proposed solution was to cancel the existing Non-B extension (assuming it was beyond the initial 90-day visa period), leave and re-enter Thailand to obtain a free 30-day entry stamp, and apply for a Non-B visa at the local immigration office with documents from the new employer, given they approve of this process. The cancellation of the Non-B visa with the previous employer must be done before applying for one with the new employer.

However, potential problems could arise if the previous employer had not cancelled the work permit or had done so without the individual's knowledge. Since working without a permit is not legal, it was advised that the person refrain from working upon return until they have the work permit in hand.

How Thai Kru Can Assist

Thai Kru, with its extensive experience in navigating Thailand's visa processes, can assist this South African passport holder in managing their visa transition smoothly. This includes advising on the best location to apply for a new visa, assisting with the cancellation of the old Non-B visa, and providing guidance on obtaining required documents from the new employer. With Thai Kru's assistance, potential legal issues can be avoided, ensuring a smooth transition to the new job and legal status in Thailand.

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