Can I travel to other countries and later return to Thailand to obtain a second ED visa without encountering immigration issues?

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Original Case

A client, currently in Thailand on an ED visa for language studies, is concerned about future travel plans. With three months left on their visa, they plan to travel to other countries like Vietnam, Laos, and the Philippines. After 3-6 months of travel, they intend to return to Thailand and apply for a second ED visa to continue mastering Thai. They're unsure whether this plan will encounter any immigration issues.

Thai Kru Answer

Our team at Thai Kru explained that, given the client's history with an ED visa, they might face additional scrutiny every time they enter Thailand without a long-term visa for the next few years. However, re-entering Thailand after the completion of their ED course and the expiry of their first visa shouldn't be an issue, provided they have sufficient funds to support themselves and a flight out.

We advised that their plan could work if they find a school willing to submit the application to the Ministry of Education on their behalf. We also recommended that before returning to Thailand, they should seek assistance from a reputable agent to help with the requirements for their second ED visa. Doing this alone could prove challenging.

Conclusion: How Thai Kru Can Help

At Thai Kru, we are committed to making our clients' travel, retirement, and relocation plans as seamless as possible. We can assist in securing the necessary visas, including ED visas, and offer advice on how to navigate potential immigration issues. Our extensive experience in arranging travel, accommodation, and other logistics ensures our clients can focus on enjoying their time in Thailand without worrying about administrative challenges. In this particular case, we would guide our client through their travel plans and help secure their second ED visa, ensuring a smooth transition back into Thailand.

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