Do I need to leave Thailand after 90 days with a Non-Immigrant O visa or can I extend my stay at an immigration office?

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Case Overview

The individual in question has received approval for a Non-Immigrant O 90-day multiple entry visa in Thailand, due to their Thai spouse. The visa is valid until August of the following year. The client wishes to stay in Thailand for 180 days (6 months) and is unsure whether they need to leave the country after 90 days or if they can simply extend their stay at a local immigration office.

Thai Kru's Solution

Thai Kru clarified that after the initial 90 days in Thailand, the individual must leave the country. However, they are able to return immediately for an additional 90 day stay. It was also mentioned that within the visa's duration, there is an option to apply for a 60-day "Visiting Thai Family" extension. However, this may not be useful in this case as applying for the extension after the first 90 days would not allow a stay of 6 months. Instead, leaving and re-entering would grant the desired duration.

Focusing on the Non-Immigrant O visa, Thai Kru informed that an initial 90-day stay can be extended to a year before it expires. This process requires a certain amount in a Thai bank account, ranging from 400K if married, to 800K if retired, among other things. It was suggested that for a complete and updated list of requirements, the individual should check the immigration website or visit an immigration office. The cost of this extension is approximately 2K (Thai Baht).

Once the visa is extended to one year, the individual is required to report at the immigration office every 90 days, or do this online on the immigration website. This process is known as "90-day reporting" and is necessary to re-confirm their address in Thailand.

How Thai Kru Can Assist

In this particular case, Thai Kru can provide assistance by navigating the visa extension process on behalf of the individual. This would include providing detailed information about the necessary requirements for extension, such as the amount needed in a Thai bank account and other requisites. Furthermore, Thai Kru could guide through the "90-day reporting" procedure. By leveraging their expertise, Thai Kru can ensure a smooth, hassle-free extension process for individuals wishing to extend their stay in Thailand.

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